V kvÄ›tnu 2009 se uskuteÄnà nová velká pulzujÃcà party night s pÅ™ÃznaÄným názvem Pulzar.
Jako svůj domovský prostor si jejà pořadatelé vybrali druhou nejmodernějšà halu v České Republice, libereckou tipsport arénu.
Celou párty pořádá agentura CleverMusic.cz, která se aktivnÄ› pohybuje na clubové scénÄ› vÃce jak 4 roky. Mnoho z Vás navÅ¡tÃvilo akce jako House On, Technomania Äi Northern Connection. Tyto akce pÅ™ispÄ›li k tomu, že se Älenové CleverMusic.cz rozhodli spojit tyto akce do jedné a pÅ™ipravit pro vÅ¡echny fandy elektronické taneÄnà hudby velkou párty, která nemá v libereckém kraji obdoby. Inspiracà pro nÄ› jsou akce jako Apokalypsa, Citadela, Orion Hall, Pig Fest a dalÅ¡Ã.
Line-up a dalÅ¡Ã informace budou postupnÄ› zveÅ™ejňovány v průbÄ›hu pÅ™ÃÅ¡tÃho mÄ›sÃce, kdy se budou konat i speciálnà Warm-up párty. Vstupenky se dostanou do pÅ™edprodeje zaÄátkem pÅ™ÃÅ¡tÃho mÄ›sÃce.
15th May 2009 is the date when a new dance music party in Liberec is going to be held. The whole party is organized by Clevermusic.cz booking agency.
We decided to use one of the newest sport arenas in the Czech Republic and prepare Pulzar in Tipsport Arena. Pulzar should be a connection of 3 smaller parties which you all had the chance to be a part of in the past 4 years all around the Czech Scene. These parties are: Technomania, House On and Norhern Connection.
This party was created to bring and show electronic dance music to norh part of Czech Republic, because there are no parties of this size and people don..t even have the chance to find out how nice and crazy these parties should be. Our target is to have this event every 6 months and to become more popular and make Pulzar well known as other big parties.
There will have two scenes: Main Stage and Broken Beats Stage. Main stage should be filled up with a huge techno and progressive names and legendary djs. The other Broken Beats Stage is going to present some quality Drum and Bass.
So keep necking this page for more updates… And see ya at our party in Liberec!! ;-)