Love to eat....Steak(still mooing) and baked-potatoes is my favorite meal!!! Like running, lifting weights, going to bars, going to concerts!!! I like meeting new people. I like playing dominoes, spades and pool. Love to swim and go to the beach!!! I'm up for anything new and exciting!!!!
Cool, laid back people....Oh yeah i'm sick of getting those myspace-whore webcam friend requests!!!!
Anything and everything!!!
Boon-dock Saints, Fight Club, Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoki ng barrels, Half Baked, Dazed and Confused, and Super-Troopers are some of my favorites!!! Anything w/ a lot of action and comedies i'll watch!!!
Family-Guy, South-Park, Kyle XY, King of the Hill, The Simpsons......whatever's on.
like reading haven't done much lately....last book i read was 7 Types of Ambiguity(Damn good book).....I flip through the good book every now and then too.
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