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Count down to baby girl...

About Me

So, my name is Katie. I'm 25. Im almost done school, and hope to some day soon open my own pre-school. I work at a super huge daycare, where I have lots of kids. I love my family most of all. Friends rank pretty high up there too. I'm ridiculously in love right now, and very happy! polka layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com

My Interests

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Tell Everyone About Yourself
Time started:: 3:33
Basic About you:
Name:: Katie
Gender:: Girly Girl
Height:: 5'4
Eye color:: brown
Hair Color:: dark brown w blonde hi lites
Age:: 25
Birthday:: 9/8/81
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: righty
Piercings:: just my ears
Tatoos:: 1 on my back
Zodiac Sign:: virgo
Ring Size:: umm, not sure
Grade:: almost done college
More about you:
Are you named after anyone?: not that i am aware of
Do you live in the moment?: try to
Do you consider yourself tolerent to others?: yes, very
Do you have any secrets?: tons
Do you hate yourself?: no way
Do you like your handwriting?: yup
Do you have any bad habits?: bite my nails, hum
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: absolutely
Any regrets?: several
Do you think life has been good so far?: totally
Are you confident?: very
How long does it take you to shower?: 15 minutes, tops
What color is your room?: light brown, thanks paul:)
Where do you want to attend college?: been there, done that
Do you...?
Smoke?: no
Do drugs?: nope
Drink?: yes sir
Go to church?: not enough
Sleep with stuffed animals?: just 1
Take walks in the rain?: not usually
Talk to people even if you hate them?: have to be nice
Drive?: yes
Believe in premarital sex?: i do now
Want to get married?: yes please
Want to go to college?: did
Want to have children?: yes, very soon
Sing in the shower?: sometimes
Get along with you parents?: very much
Get along with your sibling/s?: absolutely
Color/highlight your hair?: all the time
Like coffee?: love it
Wear makeup everytime you go out?: yup
Love roller coasters?: love em
Like to cook?: umm, not so much
Have you ever...?
Hurt yourself? : not really
Been out of the country?: yup
Been in love?: currently
Done drugs?: nope
Gone skinny dipping?: yup
Had surgery?: yes
Played strip poker?: uh huh
Been on stage?: yes
Pulled an all nighter?: yup
Gone one day without food?: uh huh
Slept all day?: yes
Kissed a stranger?: yup
Had a dream that came true?: i dont think so
Broken the law?: yup
Stolen anything?: uh huh, popple trading cards when i was 6
Been on radio/tv?: yes
Been in a mosh-pit?: no
Bungee jumped?: nope
Had a dream that kept coming back?: yes
Gone out of state?: yup
Live in other states?: no
Eaten an entire box of oreos?: ew, no
Had a movie marathon?: uh yes
Spun until you were immensely dizzy?: yup
Been on a plane?: uh huh
Ran into a wall?: yes
Been rejected by a crush?: yes
Cried in public?: yup
Cried over a movie?: yes, very often
Pranked called someone?: yup
Gotten a cavity?: yuck, uh huh
Shopped at Abercrombie and Fitch?: yup
Broken a bone?: yes
Fallen from a tree?: yes
Passed out?: nope
Been to a theme park?: yup
Eaten sushi?: eww, no
This or That
Pepsi or Coke:: coke
McDonalds or BUrger King:: Mc d's
Chocolate or Vanilla:: chocolate
Black or White:: black
Burgers or Hot dogs:: burgers
Boxers or breifs:: boxers
Book or magazine:: magazine
TV or radio:: tv
is the glass half empty or half full:: half full
sun or moon:: moon
hot or cold:: cold
romantic comedy or thriller:: thriller
waffles or pans:: waffles
Florida or california:: florida
Black and white or color photos:: color
The city, the beach, OR the country:: beach
Tennis shoes or sandals:: sandals
Sweet or sour:: sweet
Private or publie school:: private
Cappuccino or coffee:: coffee
English or history:: history
Science or math:: science
Do you believe ...?
in miracles?: yes
in magic?: no
in God?: yes
in Satan?: yes
in ghosts?: yup
in luck?: uh huh
in love at first sight?: no
in Santa?: yup
in the Easter Bunny?: yup
in witches?: yes
that it's possible to remain faithful forever?: yes
in wishing on shooting stars?: yup
that cussing is a necessity in life?: nope
yourself?: yes.
Love and all that -
Do you consider love a mistake?: no
If someone you had no interest in had interest in dating you how would you: sympathy date?
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them?: naa
What is worst about the opposite sex?: when they just dont get it
Who and when was your first crush?: Jered Jones, Kindergarden
First thing you notice about the opposite sex?: hair
Right this moment...
What are you wearing?: AE sweatshirt, jeans
What are you worried about?: new classes tomorrow
What book are you reading?: none at the moment
What time is it?: 3:44
Are you bored?: naa
Are you tired?: ya
Are you talking to anyone online or on the phone?: nope
Are you lonely or content?: content
Are you listening to music, if so then what?: nope
The Last...
Dream you had:: a bad one
Nightmare:: too scary to tell
Time you cried:: dont remember
Movie you watched:: Saw 3
Movie you rented:: Boo
Book you read:: Intro to Special Ed. thanks andover
Word you said:: fine
Time you laughed:: 2 minutes ago
Person to call you:: Gabbi
CD you played:: Jack Johnson
Song you listened to:: Bring it on Home
annoyance:: people who chew w their mouths open
IM sent or recieved:: Honey pie
Time you yelled:: this am
Person you yelled at:: lil paul
time you were a skirt:: summer
time you fought with your parents:: been a long time
Time you wished on a shooting star:: dont remember
Thing you ate:: chinese w aaron
Time you showered:: this am
Nail polish color worn:: clear
Your favorite:
Type of gum:: green trident
Restaurant:: Olive Garden
Season:: Fall
Type of weather:: Sweater weather
Emotion:: giddy
Color:: purple
Perfume:: cotton blossom
Candy:: charleston chew
Pizza topping:: pepperoni
Fruit:: watermelon
Veggie:: corn on the cob
Type of :: strawberry
Magazine:: Glamour
TV Show:: Greys Anatomy
Day of the week:: Friday
Month:: December
Holiday:: Christmas
Number:: 21
Sport to watch:: baseball
Flower:: Lily
Time Finished:: 3:52
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I'd like to meet:

Famous people make my palms sweat.

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Not too picky with my tunes. As long as it's not super head bangin heavy metal, Im ok with it. Different moods call for different tunes.

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Way too many to list. Sometimes I spend entire sundays watching movies.


ANY and ALL reality TV. Greys Anatomy


I go in spells. Everyone likes to curl up with a good book once and a while.


My mom.

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