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About Me

For many, redheaded men and all their attributes (freckles, fair skin, fire crotch, white feet)are a desired specialty among males. The blog GINGERHEADMAN seeks to support the redheaded male by presenting them as sexy and desirable, adding to the diverse world of male beauty.Only an estimated one to two percent of the earth’s population can now say they boast natural red locks. Ginger, red blond, strawberry blond, orange red, auburn, copper blond, burnt orange even "Titian" - redheads may come in a variety of shades but their feet typically come in just one - white. This scarcity may have contributed to a certain fetishistic credibility for redheads or "gingers" as they are sometimes called.A redhead rarely goes unnoticed in a crowded room. From Judas Iscariot to Botticelli's Venus to Julianne Moore and newcomer Daniel Lewis, redheads have been worshipped, idealized, fetishized, feared, and condemned, leaving their mark on us and our culture.Such is the power of what is actually a genetic mutation. It is fascinating to look at the science behind hair color and the roles redheads have played over time.History reveals that in Greek mythology, redheads became vampires after death; Hitler banned intermarriage with redheads for fear of producing "deviant offspring" and redheads were burned as witches during the Inquisition. In Hollywood, female redheads are considered sexy while male redheads are considered a hard sell.In the nineteenth century, it was popular belief that redheads were the strongest scented of all men, smelling of amber and musk. Redheads have been stereotyped, marginalized, sought after, and made to function as everything from a political statement to a symbol of human carnality. To us they are just incredibly hot. Because the beauty, attractiveness and erotic appeal of the redheaded male is often overlooked today, I've started
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    My Interests

    I'd like to meet:

    any and all redheads, gingers, copper tops, strawberry blondes, orange-reds, red-blondes, auburns, chocolate-reds, copper-blondes, red-browns, burnt oranges, "Titians", carrot tops, reds, rusties, princes of atlantis AND those who love, desire and admire them...

    My Blog

    Do Gingers Actually Have Better Sex Because They're Redheaded?

    Could there actually be some truth to the idea many through the ages have believed that redheads are more sexually agressive? Scientific research has established an actual connection between sex and o...
    Posted by on Sun, 01 Mar 2009 09:39:00 GMT

    Ginger Mythology: The Legend Of The Red Prince

    According to a legend, Prince Idon of Mu discovered Atlantis just in time to move his people to the new Continent before his land was destroyed by natural catastrophe.He came to Atlantis during sunset...
    Posted by on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 13:27:00 GMT