Carlitos'Way profile picture


Chances favors the prepared mind

About Me

Born and raised in Lima, Peru till I was 19, when I decided to take the journey of my life. I came to the US to study engineering, now I work as a software engineer making simulation software, not a bad job at all (well, according to and is the best job in America). I am a man of many passions. I love traveling, playing sports, working on some interesting project, meeting new people. My favorite sport is soccer, I play it but don't like to watch it unless is the World Cup or the Champions League. I like spending time with friends having a good conversation, or just laughing sarcastically about anything. Friends will describe me as quiet or serious at first, but once people get to know me, it is a different song. Normal traits of an ISTP, for those of you familiar with the Myers Briggs personality test....

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Let me see, I would like to meet Bill Gates, I guess if you want to be successful you got to hang around successful people.. plus meeting the richest man in the world, there is something to that. I also like to meet Warren Buffet, hopefully he will give me some insight to make my portfolio a little stronger :) , hmm.. who else? Gaston Acurio, most successful chef in Peru, very smart and inspirational entrepreneur. Other than that just about anybody that is interesting...


I have a wide range of favorite music, such as salsa, merengue, rock en espanol, alternative rock, rock, pop, classical, folk music .. difficult to do justice to good music in different genres...


my favorities are thrillers, dramas and epic films, some of my all time favorities are Silence of the Lambs, Motorcycle Diaries, Habla con ella, Braveheart, Gladiator, Troy etc I did like The Notebook very much, I guess I have a sensitive side too....


Don't watch too much tv, when I do I like guy's tv. UFC, sports hightlights, discovery channel, news, or some movie on HBO or Cinemax....


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