"When you are complaining about something, 80% of those people DON'T CARE, 20% are glad it's YOU!" - Ms. Nancy On
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"When you are complaining about something, 80% of those people DON'T CARE, 20% are glad it's YOU!" - Ms. Nancy On
Individuals that are interested in making life happen for themselves and those around them. If this is not you, you desperately need to change. We are what we think; as we desire so do we become! By our thoughts, desires, and habits, we either ascend to the full divine dignity of our nature, or we descend to suffer and learn. "Who we meet today, will determine who we will become tomorrow." We can't achieve success all alone. Some make it happen, some watch it happen, and some say, "What happened?" We will find only what we look for, nothing more and nothing less. Now is the time. Needs are great, but your possibilities are greater. It's Time to Step it Up! "Happiness is not an accident. Nor is it something you wish for. Happiness is something you design.
If your interested in having a Success Mentor, message me ONLY if you are serious. If you want to be apart of M.I.T(Millionaire In Training) OR if you want to change your life, message me and I'll see if success is for you. AD
3 Opinions exist in this world.
1.Those who Never tried it.
2.Those who tried it and Quit.
3.Those who tried it and Succeed.
Who's advice would you take? It's your future, not theirs.