Liebe & Zubak profile picture

Liebe & Zubak

About Me

Being born into the 80’s and therefore spending their teens in the 90’s, it was impossible for Malik Liebe and Zan Zubak not to get addicted to the HipHop hype of that time. BoomBap, GangstaRap and much singsong of the early 90’s New Jack Swing stream as well as Bad Boy’isque RnB-Rap-Crossover paved the way for their musical path.
Well – Liebe & Zubak may not have been House-fanatics since day one, but over the years they brought more attention to this specific genre. Especially Chicago-House gained their increased interest. Maybe because it has many parallels to HipHop, Funk & RnB.
Steadily they paved an access to this widely diversed genre and arranged their personal style somewhere between Offenbach – Chicago – Frankfurt – Detroit and Mannheim.
“We go Deep!” is probably the most adequate slogan if you would like to summarize the musical basis concept of an evening with them. In due time it will become a little more technoid, but without pushing aside the percussive vibe of the set’s beginning.
Ultimate importance in their sets is given to the suspense curves, because there is nothing more boring than the stringent keeping of genre boundaries.
A conservative arrangement may be alright with other people – to Liebe & Zubak conservatism and stagnation is the death of music!
“You never know, into what it results, if things will be changed. But does one know, what results, if they won’t be changed?” (Elias Canetti)

My Interests


Member Since: 03/10/2008
Band Members: M.Liebe

Influences: Kerri Chandler, Rick Wade, Moodymen, Brothers Vibe, Theo Parrish, Grant Nelson, Osunlade, Sascha Dive, Nick Curly, Markus Fix, Kirby, Vernon & Dacosta, Mountain People, Giom, Matthias Tanzmann, Agnes, Baaz, Serafin, Jimpster, Jona, Sis, Leif, Tom Ellis, Kinky Movement, Troydon, Jerome Sydenham, Vera Heindel, JT Donaldson, Bryan Jones, Armand Van Helden, Kenny Dope, Louie Vega, Simply Red, Hall & Oates, Mathias Kaden, Onur Özer, Luna City Express, Cabanne, Ark, Zip, Dorian Paic, The Rhythm Construction, Terry Lee Brown Junior, Seuil, Mateo & Matos, Fat Freddy's Drop, Mr V, MAW, The O'Jays, The Isley Brothers, George Clinton, MAW, George Morel, DOP, Kreon & Lemos, Einzelkind, Isaac Hayes, Ricky Suarez, Fabio Bacchini, Jon Cutler, Martinez, Robert Dietz
Sounds Like:
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Biografie (DEUTSCH)

Als Kinder der 80iger, die somit ihre Teenagerzeit in den 90igern verbrachten, war es für Malik Liebe und Zan Zubak unmöglich, nicht dem damaligen HipHop-Wahn zu verfallen. BoomBap, Gangstarap und vie...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Nov 2008 08:22:00 GMT