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I am here for Networking

About Me

Hi, my name is Morgan. I'm currently a freshman at Northwestern States University in Natchitoches. I am a journalism major and loving every moment of it. I recently got in touch with a local writer named Carol Forsloff, and boy what a rollercoaster of a ride have I been on. I have recently been helping her with a project she wants out before the election called Sarah Palin: The Issues Through Her Prism. Mrs. Carol over the months has accumulated data from over six hundred sources to learn more about the small town hockey mom, Sarah Palin. Now at first both Mrs. Carol and I were fans of Mrs. Palin and thought nothing of her being McCain's VP choice. After collecting the data Mrs. Carol has researched, she decided that this was a woman that should not be in office. After reading through the research and helping Mrs. Carol with her project formed my own opinion. My opinion, like Mrs. Carol's, is that Palin should not be second in command. Hopefully with this myspace account I can help Mrs. Carol promote her book and spread the knowledge she has goained over the past five weeks.

My Blog

Palin’s future causes Republican rift iref=newssearch  
Posted by on Thu, 30 Oct 2008 14:51:00 GMT

Sarah Palin on the issues

Sorry it's been a while since the last update. This is a link that will guide to Sarah Palin's view on some pretty hot topics.
Posted by on Thu, 23 Oct 2008 18:43:00 GMT

Liar, Liar: Whose Pants Are On Fire?

Chapter from the BookAuthor's Note: This is an updated segment, partly taken from the blog upon which the book is based, with new additions. The Sarah Palin is a continually developing storyNotice whe...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 02:23:00 GMT

Important links so you can understand the importance of this page

http://www.thehouseofaloha.comhttp://eveerythingsarahpalin.b logspot.com
Posted by on Fri, 10 Oct 2008 18:08:00 GMT

Why do people laugh at creationist (part 26) Sarah Palin need I say more????
Posted by on Wed, 08 Oct 2008 03:16:00 GMT

Palin Pressures Local Librarian This may be old news but for someone like myself who has a love for reading and writing wanting to censor books in a public library angers me. This bl...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Oct 2008 01:45:00 GMT

And let the promoting begin!

Hello reader, thank you for checking out my page. This is a project that I have been helping a local writer, Carol Forsloff, with. I really believe in what Mrs. Carol is doing. The link below is to Mr...
Posted by on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 02:26:00 GMT