There is definitely something about Mary.
It could be the generosity with which she writes and performs, or the way her songs and voice touch your soul, or the light and passion that shine from within or a combination of them all. Whichever that something is for you one thing is for sure this artist and songwriter will move you.
Mary has a unique gift of being able to tell a story with her lyrics and grip you with the emotion that is raw and real in her vocals. The words and notes ring true whether she is singing a power ballad, a soft sweet love song, a sorrowful heartbreaker or a high-energy rocker.
Angelic is a word often used to describe her voice, but dont be fooled theres power in those pipes the beauty of her vocals is in her technique of never giving too much of either, but just enough of both.
Marys honest, heartfelt and perceptible lyrics draw you in and allow you to feel as if you know her personally. The stories in her songs are not bigger than life, but true to life stories to which we can all relate stories that give an insight into her heart and soul.
When performing live, a connection with her audience is made from the moment she takes the stage. Her energy and passion are contagious and her giving spirit is humbling. Mary will not disappoint, but may leave you wanting more, as her beauty and enthusiasm can be addicting.
It is so refreshing in this era of music to have an artist and songwriter that speaks from the heart, gives from the soul and takes you on an emotional journey that you will want to take again and again.
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