Tiffanie profile picture


*i wish things were simple*

About Me

in the light of the sun, is there anyone?
oh it has begun...
oh dear you look so lost,
eyes are red and tears are shed,
this world you must've crossed... you said...
you don't know me, you don't even care,
you don't know me, you don't wear my chains...

Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark of the night...

lets see... things about me... my name is tiffanie... most people are too lazy to say that so i mostly just get called tiff... I'm 20, Im about 5'5, long brown hair, and have dark brown eyes... anyways...if you want to know more just ask...

My Interests

I work at POH Medical Center in downtown Pontiac... yup right across the street from the shelter for bums... but i love it there! I have to say that I am bit of a work-a-holic. I cant help it. I love the paycheck that it brings in every two weeks. I dont know if i want to continue working there for the rest of my life though (like most of the people i work with) i guess ill just see what life puts in front of me... honestly i want to live in italy more specifically sicily since that is were my family is from... i think i would pretty much be in heaven if that dream ever came true... but who knows...

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet Jessica Alba because she is amazing... but other than that... Anyone who would like to meet me!



I have way to many favorite movies...
Freedom Writers
joy ride
ever after
wicker park
sweet home alabama
along came polly
raising helen
i spy
finding nemo
pretty woman


CSI Miami! Its most definately the best show on tv! I can't miss an episode... well unless its CSI:NY havent quite got into that one but Miami and Las Vegas are definately stop everything shows...


I love to read if I get the chance... but lately it seems as if I have no "me" time... all of my time is "work" time...


My Family... they are there no matter what...
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My Blog


So... havent really posted on this hardly at all except for when i need to vent... well not really this time. I just couldnt sleep. Life right now is finally going good. Well i guess in certain catego...
Posted by Tiffanie on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 10:07:00 PST