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About Me

This layout was made by Awesome Layouts By Katielayout made by: Awesome Layouts by KatieMyspace Layouts + Myspace Graphics I'm a Texas gal... stuck in the ATL for a while. Moved to Atlanta for grad school then found my "what you want to be when you grow up" job and decided to stay for a few years. I love love love... did I mention love my family and go home all the time to Texas (I'm the only one that has ever left the state... not on vacation ;) I also love to travel and party all over the US and world... when I'm at home I tend to work work work and leave the fun in other cities ;) I'm very dedicated to my career and profession and take my job seriously... but I love to have fun when I can!

My Interests

Gym, volunteering, theatre (Ballet & Opera), arts, and TRAVEL

I'd like to meet:

YOU! and You! and you! ..


Hip Hop, Pop, Country (that kills my little sis ;), Opera, jazz, blues, and rap


"For Love of the Game", "Love Actually", "Love & Basketball", "Crazy Beautiful", and "Elizabeth Town"... LOVE LOVE LOVE movies


I'm a Law & Order Junkie (SVU & original), Cold Case, News Hour on PBS, Ugly Betty, Grey's Anatomy... and my dirty little secret celeb reality on VH-1


Currently reading: "Journey to the Heart of Three Faiths","Young Fabulous and BROKE" (read it once reading it again), "The Bible" ; Last 5 Reads: "Zadie Smith: On Beauty", "What looks Like Crazy on an Ordinary Day", "Night", "Secret Life of Bees", "Reason: Why Liberals will Win the Battle for America" think I like to read ;)


Queen Noor, Rosa Parks, Cokie Roberts, Judith Jameson ... no not Jenna (but shes hot), and my parents XOXO smooch!

My Blog

Role Models

Repost: NY Times | April 18, 2007 By Thomas Friedman While in Kenya last week, my wife, Ann, a teacher, visited Mukuru-Kayaba Primary School in a Nairobi slum, where the U.S. helps finance a lunch pr...
Posted by Cameron on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 12:20:00 PST

The Legend of Dogwood

I had to repost this... I just pull over last weekend to pick a Dogwood bloom and tell Mark this story :) Favorite childhood memory of camping and telling the Dogwood legend on Easter Sunday! Enjoy!Ha...
Posted by Cameron on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 08:12:00 PST

DO SOMETHING TODAY has a post called "Educate'>">Educate Others" that's worth checking out... Darfur has been called the worst humanitarian crisis of the...
Posted by Cameron on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 05:50:00 PST

Pinch me please

My 31st bday was last weekend and if you had told me my 30s were going to be so phenomenal in my 20s I'd have said NO WAY!!! This was hands down one of the best birthdays EVER!   I'm talking...
Posted by Cameron on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 07:43:00 PST

The Cameron Wears Prada... more like Payless

This past Friday I was at home with Blockbuster, which if ya know me even slightly you know that's a perfect evening for me... so "The Devils Wears Prada" was the viewing choice.  LOVED THAT FLIC...
Posted by Cameron on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 02:27:00 PST

This SONG...

So I wasn't sure whether to put this under Music or Life but this song is SOOOOOOO perfect.. wish I could find it on myspace but in the interim enjoy the lyrics... I couldn't have said it better mysel...
Posted by Cameron on Sun, 21 Jan 2007 09:43:00 PST

On Being 30... Cameron STYLE ;)

REPOST FOR THOSE OF YA THAT LOVED THIS ONE!!! On being thirty... Cameron style Current mood: satisfied Category: Life So I had to help a friend in the wee hours of the morning and am up ridiculousl...
Posted by Cameron on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 02:31:00 PST

I'm looking

If you have read any of my previous blogs you will know that I was the Development Director at The Center for Family Resources for two years.  I resigned back in April to start as the Development...
Posted by Cameron on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 10:08:00 PST

WOOT! Texas to see the fam :)

Note: This blog is dedicated to Brian!  Huge Kisses (and we all know I don't kiss  ) SO thats right no changes it is sooooo on... I'm flying into Austin on Friday the 10th to see my lil sis ...
Posted by Cameron on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 07:39:00 PST

Civil Rights lesson I could relate too

Tonight I had on NPR (PBS radio) in my car ... which is usually where I get my evening news and in the 7 pm hour there was a special on the Civil Right movement in the South.  I don't usually lis...
Posted by Cameron on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 07:46:00 PST