Carpe Diem Mofos profile picture

Carpe Diem Mofos

College pwnz ja.

About Me

Okay, so I'm finally 18! I live in the Bronx, and I'm going to go to SUNY Geneseo way up near Rochester for college. (about six and a half hours) I don't know wtf I wanna be, either a doctor or a teacher, or something else. What I want to do is be very good at what I do and change the industry I work in. (idealistic, no?)I used to live upstate, in Orange County til the middle of 7th grade when I moved to the Bronx. Imagine the culture shock, ironically happening the same time pop was out and hip hop was the shiznat. So basically, I'm an oreo, you know, black on the outside, white on the inside. Well, not black, black, half black. I'm half Jamaican and half Filipino. (Yeah yeah, omfg your black?! So I heard.) I look 'spanish' apparently, although I grew up looking asian. Strange, no? I'm a funny guy whose far too nice for my own good, yet I still am... go figure. I seem to always smile all the time, which is good, unless I'm trying not to smile, then it's impossible not to.I'm ridiculously optimistic:
"If you were to get raped, you'd be the type to say, 'Well, at least I can't get pregnant...'" -Teh WizIt sucks looking spanish because people assume you can do things you can't:
1) I can't talk spanish. My school is predominantly spanish, so I keep getting talked to in spanish. Imagine having to go, "Eh... I don't really speak spanish.."
2) I can't dance. I'm musically retarded. I can't sing, the only musical instrument talent I have is "Mary had a little lamb" on a recorder in 4th grade, and I can't dance. Not for lack of trying mind ya.. well actually I have quite a few stories of miserably failing attempts..
3) I'm not exactly a 'macho-libre' man type. If your spanish, you've been influenced to be a very manly type of person. Apparently, being raised by an asian mother, is quite the opposite. Spanish play sports. Asians take tests. Spanish are given drinks. Asians hide drinks. Spanish screw anything that moves. Asians.. want to. You get the idea.I'm quite a nerd at heart. I'm a 'good' student aka the man to give the 'tutoring during tests'... good times.. til I got caught... often. I love my video games and anime. Basically I want to learn Japanese and study abroad in Japan. Yes, that type of nerd. Well, maybe not so nerdy nowadays.. not so many nerds seem to find the good side of drinking and the such. Shame really.. dunno what they're missing.. I also seem to have an intellectual side, which seems to be quite rare in people nowadays..In any case, I'm not really bound to any stereotype.. so it's a bitch to describe myself. Think of me as your average half Jamaican, half Filipino, almost 'in shape', musically retarded, nerdy, almost party-type, person.

AIM Name: drunkenmaster137

My Interests

Anime, Stand Up Comedy, Video Games, Graphic Novels (Japanese and English)

I'd like to meet:

Carpe Diem. "Eat, Drink, and Be Merry for tomorrow we die."


I can listen to pretty much any genre. I like rap, well, rap a few years older, not this crap nowadays. I like rock, pretty much any subgenre. However, I listen to Japanese rock/pop and Ska the most. J-rock/pop is cuz of anime, and ska.. well owns. It's the music that reggae was based off of and a song is playing in my prof.This is Ready Steady Go, by L'arc En Ciel. If you watch Full Metal Alchemist I need not say more, if not, ehm.. think Japanese Rock...


Anything funny. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Hilarious movie in the right mood. ;)
Love watching movies with an actual plot but those are damn near hard to come by.. kinda like a pretty gal whose not a whore.. they're around, just can't tell the difference by the 30 second trailer.


Ahh.. again.. whatever. I watch Family Guy and anything else that comes on the Fox Sunday lineup namely War at Home and American Dad. I watch TechTV like it's televangelism for old people. I watch shows like One Tree Hill and the OC because it's like freakin TV crack, although I feel as though I redeem myself by making fun of it.


Harry Potter, War of Warcraft novels (stfu I got into the game), w/e deep, philosophical stuff I ran into. (Think The Prince and Catcher in the Rye)


The Big Guy upstairs

My Blog


    It's funny.. you can feel as invincible as you want. I feel it a lot.. I feel like I got a can of whoop ass just waiting to be opened.. 18 years of repressed anger just waiting.. bu...
Posted by Carpe Diem Mofos on Sat, 15 Jul 2006 07:17:00 PST

Feel with your heart, think with your mind.

Ahh, so for a while now I've been feeling like I was in a slump. Kinda a pseudo-emo vibe if you know what I mean. But, I feel as though I've gotten out of it quite nicely. Basically, I felt as though ...
Posted by Carpe Diem Mofos on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 01:34:00 PST

The art of living

What is the best way to live life? If there was a single easy answer to that question.. a lot of philosophers would be outta their element right now. People spend their entire lives trying to figure o...
Posted by Carpe Diem Mofos on Sun, 02 Jul 2006 12:14:00 PST

Ideals, good or bad?

Up until very recently, I've been thinking that such and such ideals are horrible things to believe in. My reasoning is because to blindly follow any ideal is a certain way to cause pain and suffering...
Posted by Carpe Diem Mofos on Wed, 31 May 2006 08:05:00 PST

If ya ever feel like giving in

Then listen to Streetlight Manifesto's album, Everything Went Numb. One of the greatest albums I've ever heard. It's a skacore genre, mix of ska and punk music. Some people probably won't like the ska...
Posted by Carpe Diem Mofos on Wed, 31 May 2006 07:34:00 PST

Alternate lives

The age old "What if?" Isn't it funny how we think "What if this and that happened... I'd definately be a happier person.." Sure, there are things which I wish I had done before so that things would b...
Posted by Carpe Diem Mofos on Sat, 27 May 2006 07:20:00 PST

Why I'm always smiling, and then some

Okay so a good number of people ask why I'm always smiling. The reason is rather simple. There's no reason not to smile since most of the reasons why people don't smile are arbitrary (as in, unimporta...
Posted by Carpe Diem Mofos on Wed, 24 May 2006 06:13:00 PST

Losing hope in a damned world

Regardless of your religion, this world can really suck. In many ways, it's beautiful. We're alive, we're all individuals, and we're all in this world. However, in some ways, it just plain sucks. Be y...
Posted by Carpe Diem Mofos on Thu, 11 May 2006 08:57:00 PST

Well, does it really matter if we lead or follow?

Okay, so I'm a 'unique' person and all, but I tend to follow my friends. I've noticed it because people mention it. It's actually pretty hard to cut the following thing and 'be your own person' becaus...
Posted by Carpe Diem Mofos on Thu, 11 May 2006 08:32:00 PST

Like, Lust, and the Pursuit of Love

Okay, so I realized something. In our society that is the 'most advanced culture in the world' which it may be, idk. In any case, we seem to have this belief that "True love will solve all our problem...
Posted by Carpe Diem Mofos on Tue, 09 May 2006 08:59:00 PST