MyHotCommentsI liKE 2 go 2 da MoViEs, cHiLl wIt mY fRiEnDs, wIt My fAmIlY... sometimes wit people i just met. I like sLoViNg aLgEbRa EqUaTiOnS... hehehehe.. and i like tOrTaS... hehehehehe... i also like mCfLuRrIeS... and much more... but 4 now dats it...
" ............
I'm startin 2 like COUNTRY!!!.. hehehehe.. but mostly like everything...I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
FoUr BrOtHeRs, AlL 3 FrIdAy MoViEs, all 4 ScArY MoViEs, RuNnInG sCaReD, WeDdInG cRaShErS, JaRhEaD,FoRrEsT GuMp, A-t-L (DIZ GROWN MEN BUSINESS!!!), DoNnY DaRkO... im takin it oldskool!!!.. hehehe.. uummmm.... CoNgO, TeRmInAtOr 1, FoOt LoOsE, SaTuRdAy NiGhT FeVeR, ThE BrEaKfAsT ClUb... hehehe.. and more........
House, Friends, Simpsons, Family Guy, Vivo, Reventon, Vida TV, COPS-favorite show, and SMALLVILLE.....
Ive ReAd MoThEr TeReSa, JeSsE OwEnS, nEvEr FiNiShEd "2 KiLl A mOcKiNgBiRd"... hehehehehehe... dats bout it i think...... 
El ChApUlIn cOlOrAdO... ClArK kEnT... sHaGgY & sCoObY... PoP's 4rm WaYaNe'S bRo'S... G-LO!!!... (GeOrGe LoPeZ!!!)