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About Me

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

My Interests

girya, neo-urbanism, pachyforms & caudiciforms, advaita vedanta, tsukemono, azeztulite, scolecite, apophylite, butoh, paper-making, dairakudakan, brazilian columnar cacti, kurama-dera, katsuhito ishii,breathing, haiku, the onsen of Yamanashi, inka essenhigh, petah coyne, akiyama yo, drone music, D and D, paul laffoley-utopic space-negypt, the town of tiruvannamalai, natural-ash glaze & ceramics, japanese onomatopoetic expressions, plant chimeras, kare san-sui,whales & owls, snowboarding, minimalism, taisha abelar's magical passes, tokyu hands, mt. fuji and aokigahara jukai, karl renz, jellyfish and being that which one cannot not be . .

I'd like to meet:

Ella of Arcturus & Bleeze


Mojave 3, Daisy Chainsaw, Jimmy Scott, Deerhoof, 400 blows, Blanche, bohren & der club of Gore, queen adreena, Jolie Holland, Mike Patton, Jesu, Godflesh, Techno Animal, Meat beat Manifesto, Buffalo Daughter, Angelo Badalamenti, OOIOO, husky rescue, midnite, puffyamiyumi, the Molehill Orkestrah, the Fashionistas, mum, slowdive, tiny vipers, fiery furnaces, tujiko noriko, joanna newsom, the postal service, isis, mono, laura veirs, stereolab, sugarbush, nisennenmondai, metalchicks, john frusciante, found dead on the phone, Mi and L'au, low, masonna, scorn, ni-hao, norah jones


Killing Zoe, Rules of Attraction, Gummo, Julien Donkey Boy, Tron, Nobody Knows, Maboroshii, A Taste of Tea, Edward Scissorhands, Drawing Restraint 9, Fight Club, Tokyo Decadence (Topaz), the Hand (EDward R.), Gerry, Existenz, Buffalo 66, The girl from Monday, Distance, Gojoe, Vital . . .


Most Haunted with Derek Acorah, minor accomplishments of J.W., the business (IFC), Flight of the conchords


Alexandria Quartet, Avignon Quintet (Lawrence Durrell), Rikki Ducornet, Cormac McCarthy, Miquel Angel Asturias, Italo Calvino, Don Delillo, Abarat Parts I and II (Clive Barker), e.l. doctorow, Salman Rushdie, The Gospels of Sri Ramakrishna, Haruki Murakami, Shimada Masahiko, Yoko Tawada, Basho, Miyazawa Kenji, Herman Hesse, Dakotsu Iida, Agota Kristoff, J.M. Coetzee, Gregory Orr, Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj i am that . . .

My Blog

"Mary P."

    "Whenever he stands, one leg stays like that . . . . like he’s still sitting." "What about the other leg?" "Seems it’s all he thinks about.  I mean, he pays no attention...
Posted by brandon on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 08:18:00 PST

an underwhelming...

  "Dirty or sensual?" "By 'sensual' do you mean red pinnate-leaf imprints?" "Oh no you don't..." "I just did."     **** horse-hair wig blowing in the wind...
Posted by brandon on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 07:40:00 PST

" as it is "

  "Yes. Yes! I'm seeing it for what it is." " . . . and all the girls were eating lotus beneath the mosquito netting." "The inability to see it for what it is." " . . . all the boys were cou...
Posted by brandon on Fri, 16 Nov 2007 06:27:00 PST

sluiced love affair

  "You know, you and I have been sharing the oldest kind of love affair there is." "You don't say?" "Yes, and for quite some time now." "So, the bowling ball you left on my doorstep?" "Huh?" "It ...
Posted by brandon on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 11:21:00 PST

"so sorry, nadir . . ."

  "You were talking in your sleep again . . . about knots." "Where are you going with this?" "Murmured something about gold leaf and spines." "Well, in my dream I was in pursuit of three books." ...
Posted by brandon on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 11:42:00 PST

cloud-head & window-face

  "why didn't you tell me?" "i'm telling you now." "oh! well, ten bucks says you can't forgive the eyes nor the hands." "unfurl the sail . . . underworld ho!" "so which is it, an old leaf or a ne...
Posted by brandon on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:26:00 PST

intimate moments

  "tell me . . ." "yeah?" "our most intimate moment . . . ?" "do you see it?" "what?" "the answer." " . . . . but you're not paying attention!" "holding you to my chest, clothed in swaddling" "th...
Posted by brandon on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 07:02:00 PST

the forest-haunting conversation two

  "If I may, I'd like to set aside questions for a moment."       *          *        ...
Posted by brandon on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 06:08:00 PST

Owl poem

  "I'm sorry.  I've forgotten your name." "Where the twig broke into two, an owl's face." "Geez.  Who taught you to speak like that?" "Who indeed?"  ...
Posted by brandon on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 11:17:00 PST


October 15, 2006 "What's with that?" "What?" "That look you're giving." "Just trying to imagine you as a young child." "Well, I never was one." "Nonsense." "Precisely." "Let's not . . " "Whatever." "I...
Posted by brandon on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 09:29:00 PST