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A Handful

About Me

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Meet Maria, that's me. It's also the name of my company Meet Maria Inc. In my personal and professional life I strive to bring hope, cheer and beauty to all I meet. By helping others, I realize my many blessings in life and have the desire to use all my gifts in a way which benefits all. Too many people in the world are stressed, depressed and oppressed, contributing to the massive disconnect from the oneness that is everything. The lack of a relationship with the divine causes much of the suffering in the world. If each individual found their connection with the divine and lived in accordance to that, the world would be a much better place to live in. I believe I can help each person relieve some the weight of the world they carry. Through my healing services, skincare products, and guidance for the spirit, I will make a difference. Each person I help is then freely able to find and follow their bliss, thereby making the world a better place. I want to help people find all the greatness within themselves.
My current goal is to take Meet Maria, to the next level with massage therapy. Training will give me, and the company I have created, a wide range of advantages. Lotion Potion, the foundation product of the company, took me five years to formulate successfully. To really succeed I have learned I must delegate tasks, roles and responsibilities. To work smarter not harder. Much of the learning about running this business I have done on my own. I taught myself graphic design with programs like Adobe Photoshop. I have learned html and website management on my own. A great deal of my time is spent researching product formulation methods, cosmetic ingredients, cosmetic chemistry, marketing strategies and competition. Now, I must learn the human aspect of the business. I need to understand how the body works and how to relieve suffering. I decided that this teaching task needed to be delegated. An authorized place I could go to learn from teachers and fellow students. Where there was a curriculum, hands on experience and like minded people. I found this place in Everest College and the massage therapy program. Within one year of this program, I will be trained to do more than I could do on my own in five years. Plus, with more training comes a greater level of respect through accreditation. Massage Therapy also gives me a method of product marketing and distribution that is unique and original. I have a creative essence and use my inspiration and imagination to make others happy. The ultimate goal is to offer a handful of high quality holistic products and services.
As well as being an entrepreneur, I am a wife and mother. My family, immediate and extended, are of the greatest importance to me. Giving back to the community is one of my core values in life. Currently I serve as the Vice President of my high school alumnae committee.
The other passion I have in life is for the arts. I enjoy theater both acting and watching, music, dance and writing. Most of all though I love Photographs. I like being in front of the camera lens and working behind it. And for added fun I enjoy using Photoshop to create Genuinely Unique images.
I was born 10/26/80 and that makes me a Scorpio. Yes, I am very into Astrology, as Carl Jung put it “We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born” I feel it is a great tool to help strengthen my connection with the Universe and help guide me through life.

My Interests

*Power of Positive Thinking* *Meet Maria Inc.*
*Lotion Potion* *Massage Therapy*
*Astrology* *Numerology*
*Tarot* *Spirituality* *420* *Religion*
*Law of Attraction* *Cooking* *Theatre*
*Reading* *Photography* *Swimming*
*Traveling* *Computers* *Learning* *Sociology*

I'd like to meet:

I want to meet people who are Original and Interesting. Who grasp the level beyond what is seen. I don't judge anyone that is true to themselves. No fakes, No flakes, No people who don't give, just take.


*RUSH* *311*
*Eros Ramazzotti*
*Eminem* *Common* *Talib Kweli*
*Shania Twain* *Obie Trice*
*Beastie Boys* *Nas*
*Bob Marley* *Country Joe and the Fish* *Dr. Dre* *Unwritten Law*
~I like all types of music as long as they have a positive message~


*Star Wars Saga*
*The Lost Boys*
*The Power of Myth*
*Shrek* *Planet of the Apes* *Men In Black* *Fear* *Cars* *Pulp Fiction* *Dazed and Confused* *The Goonies* *Butterfly Effect* *The Secret*


*Top Chef* *The Sheild* *24* *Simpsons* *Jeopardy*
*CSI* *Law and Order*
*3rd Rock from the Sun* *Dharma&Greg*
*Arrested Development* *90210*


*Rule Of The Bone*
*Law of Success*
*The DaVinci Code*
*Angels and Demons*
*Jesus Lived In India*
*Celestine Prophecy*
*Montauk Project*
*Anything Astrology*
*Ecstasy Through Tantra*
*The Tao of Pooh*
*The Te of Piglet*


*Napoleon Hill*
*Jesus Christ*
*Joseph Campbell*
*Pamela Anderson*
*Hillary Clinton*
*Eric 'Gumby' Anderson*

My Blog

Maria Meets Massage

ff I'm back in school training to be a massage therapist ff
Posted by Maria on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 01:16:00 PST

The Union of a Match Made in Heaven

This Sunday, May 6th, I am getting married to the most amazing person I have ever met, Ronnie Lee James II.  Our anniversary will be 5/6/07. Even cooler is that four seconds after 2 AM on th...
Posted by Maria on Fri, 04 May 2007 04:29:00 PST

Photographers and Photographs

Ever since my son Massimo came into being I have stopped modeling. But I have not lost my passion for entertainment and the arts. I am taking everything I've learned over the years and I am ...
Posted by Maria on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 12:43:00 PST

My Son

Posted by Maria on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 11:52:00 PST

Golden Times

Posted by Maria on Sun, 02 Oct 2005 07:34:00 PST

Great Times

To Sum Up How Much Fun My Trip Was Here's Something I Shot In Cancun. Pictured Are: Amanda (a Good Friend), Marina (My Best Friend Since We Were 7), and Nidia (My Cousin Whose Always Been More Li...
Posted by Maria on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Being Full Italian with a Family still very rich in the culture meant growing up with alcohol being a normal part of life. My parents usually have a glass or two of wine with dinner, any celebration h...
Posted by Maria on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Right Now I See How to Follow the Tao Take the Middle Way Each Day In All You Do and Say True to the You Within Be Genuine Greet Life with a Grin...
Posted by Maria on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Know You're Mistaken

Theres this empty place inside my soul That I find most difficult to console The space in which you used to dwell Slanderously dragged through hell By you no less Fuck this mess My ...
Posted by Maria on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Vote Me the 2005 TOY

I'm up for DreamAxis Talent of the Year again. Please vote: Click to Vote You have all year long so spread the word.
Posted by Maria on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST