Two cats playing tetris whilst listening to Bryan Ferry,wearing neckerchiefs; and Myself from a parallel universe where we poop converse shoes
Your Superhero Persona
by couplandesque
Your Name
Superhero Name Manic-Depressive Man
Super Power X-Ray Vision
Enemy The Disgruntled Mailman
Mode Of Transportation Volkswagen Beetle
Weapon Vinyl Records
Which character from The Nightmare Before Christmas are you?
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The Young Ones Quiz - which Young One are you?
Your Young Ones likeness is Neil, the worlds most mind-numbingly boring hippie. Youre a pacifist and enjoy natural things (apart from sleep because it gives you cancer - everybody knows that). Youre hard working about the house, doing all of the cooking and cleaning, but only because you're ordered to by the others. Don't let the bastards walk all over you all of the time. You're a bit pessimistic and have always wanted to die, although the few times you've attempted it you've either failed or given up halfway through. Heavy. If a problem occurs, hiding or a lame weapon like a squeezy bottle filled with water is your choice. You try to get on with everyone else but none of them truly like you. Still, there's always that grave you dug in the garden just in case...and lentils.
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