Create your own friendquiz hereI love spending time with my husband and our awesome friends, I love working out everyday with my workout buddy, Hannah. I love my dog, even though he's crazy and no one else likes him :)
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*To have a dream come true, you have to have a dream. *To have an abnormal life, you have to have abnormal dreams and goals. *You are in life where you choose to be. *To succeed, it doesn't take talent and ability, it only takes ambition. *Champions win first, then they go into the arena. *You can't get to the Promised Land by going around the mountain, you have to go through it. *Success is planned, it doesn't just happen. *Complaining about what you have will never get you what you want. *Definition of insanity-doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. We got a positive!!!
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I love movies!! Mostly chick flicks though...How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, The Devil Wears Prada, Raising Helen, Wedding Crashers, The Notebook, A Walk to Remember, and a lot of others.
I love Friends! It's my favorite show...I'm so sad it's not on anymore. I watch the DVD seasons all the time. Gilmore Girls, Dawson's Creek. That's about it. I don't really watch a lot of t.v.
Captivating, Big Girls Don't Whine, Dream Making in a Dream-taking world, any Og Mandino book, Pursuit, The 5 Love Languages
Larry and Pam Winters, Danny and Renate Snipes, Polo and Amy Arellano, Randy and Breck Storts!!!