About me? Well there's a lot more than what I can put here in a small section. However what I can tell you is that I believe in two things. The first one is the power that we have to adapt and overcome. Some folks don't realize that they have it, those that do are probably worse off because they are the ones that don't give up. They are the people that always want to understand what is happening so that they can prevent it in the future. They are the problem solvers, not the problem finders. I try to put myself in this group but it's hard, it takes constant introspective and extrospective evaluation. It also means that you have to be willing to change. I feel that the reason people suffer is because they blame others for their problems and refuse to see that it is themselves that must change.The second thing I believe in is that I will never sell my integrity. I will not sell it for money, pleasure, respect, or protection. But yet I have, and when I do something wrong I force myself to own up to it. It helps me to live a guilt free life, as we all know guilt is there to let us know that we are doing something wrong. This is the long road, there are no shortcuts, basically life is hard for truth tellers. People will screw up though (even diamonds are buried in dirt), I understand this and for this reason I always try to see the big picture. If I didn't take the time to understand then I would be breeding bitterness. To me bitterness is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die, all it does is slow me down.
Basically other than all that other stuff I am a fun loving goofball who loves to laugh and carry on. I love making jokes even though they are only funny if you get them. I probably make myself laugh more than anybody but hey as long as I'm happy right?