gilmckenzie-JaZZeFFiQ profile picture


jazzeffiq communication - tok addict

About Me

we live just one time -- so do what you can do!! just do it! -- take all pleasures that you can do around you , for your family and your real friends -- take care

My Interests


the soul bro' : pete rock and his homie : cl smooth dj premier stones throw records: madlib,med,oh no,lootpack,dj romes, yesterday new quintet,breakestra,koulski, dudley perkins,declaime,peanut butter wolf,egon Justus League: 9th wonder, Little Bro', Cesar Comanche,Joe Scudda,Asamov, Big Pooh, Phonté,Khrysis, Sean Doog,L.E.G.A.C.Y Cunnilynguists,Lone Catalysts, Mos Def, Talib Kweli,Black Stars Hi Tek Pack FM,Common Sense, Kev Brown, Supastition, SOuls of Michiefs, Zion I Non Phixion represent BK: DJ Eclipse,Sabac red, Ill Bill,Necro, Uncle Howee J-Zone (pimp of the hip hop).All the underground hip hop heads that work for the futureRIP: Big L ,Big Pun, Freaketah, Lisa Left Eyes Lopez,Eazy E,Tupac Shakur, J.DillaMainstream: Jay-Z, Nas, Kanye West, John Legendhip hop heads: ttc ,assassin,supreme ntm, klub des loosers, kamasoundtrackstudio, loop, iris, le sept, soklak, supamicro grems,hocus pocus,triptik

jazzmman : john coltrane, ray charles, dave burbeck,aretha franklin,louis amstrong,michel petrucciani


The godfellas, Lenny Brasco, Meet Joe Black , Butterfly effect, Menace to society, Boyz in the hood, Ray, Saw, usual Suspects,memories of geisha


My favorite books be write by people who like explain the difficults they meet in their community to give a conscience for the rest of the world. It's interesting to see other cultures & other persons when they explain their lifestyle. So i like Iceberg Slim,Georges Pelecanos, Chester Himes, James Elroy and all the books who elevate the conscience like the autobiography of malcom x or the life of jfk

My Blog

JazzeFFiq 3 Release Party Samedi 27 Janvier Les Coulisses

JaZZeFFiq 3-----------------------------------------------Soirée qui aura lieu le 27/01/07 à partir de 23h00 aux Coulisses aux platines nous aurons le plaisir d'accueillir Baba the speaker burner Kai ...
Posted by gilmckenzie-JaZZeFFiQ on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 06:08:00 PST

JaZZeFFiq 2!!! samedi 18 novembre 2006

JAZZEFFIQ 2--------------------------------------------------------A partir de 22H30Cette seconde JAZZEFFIQ RELEASE mixée par BABA et DJ Kai sera cette fois ouverte à tous.BABA Hip Hop head à temps pl...
Posted by gilmckenzie-JaZZeFFiQ on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 04:15:00 PST