I'd like to meet:
Doctor G, Mike D, Chuck D, Kerry K (again), Croc Hunter, Napoleon Bonaparte, Imhotep.....and a lot of other important niggies that I think have contributed to the bettering of our world in one way or another....scream it if you mean it!!!!
All the good stuff.
Whew...hope you got a big enough server! Blue Velvet, Clockwork Orange, All Cheech and Chong Movies, THX-1138, The Wickerman, Beiing Bicycle, Super Troopers, All Star Trek Movies, Sin City, Fargo, Man with Two Brains, Three Amigos.You know what? It would take forever to lists all the flicks that I've seen that are worthy enough to list here. I think you get the idea.
History Channel, Discovery Channel, National Geographic Channel, Comedy Central.