Anything adventurous! I actually want to do the show Amazing Race! That seems like a lot of fun! I also enjoy working out, traveling and exploring the world, eating out, my season tickets to the GA Force and the Atlanta Falcons games, pool, bowling, tennis, cards, vegetable gardening (I know that shocked a lot of people), and betting on College Football!!!
God! I wish to be standing in front of Him and His son, Jesus Christ, fully embraced in their glorious love! I'd also like to meet all those that I have lost standing there with Him! And if I leave before any of my friends and family, I can't wait until you all get there so we can share in His glory!
*Update* I wish to also meet a nice young woman I can share Valentine's Day with. I'm not trying to do anything except enjoy a nice night out and have fun!!! It is not a date!! Just an outing!!!
I love all kinds of music! From Esthero to Miles Davis, Billie Holiday to Young Dro, Aerosmith to Mary Mary!! Music is the one passion that keeps me going from day to day!!
Reservoir Dogs, The Usual Suspects, Sliding Doors (must admit the concept was great), Fargo, The Jacket, Donnie Darko, Man on Fire, and The Butterfly Effect (Director's Version). The last four are actually tragic love stories if you look at them in the manner that the main character will do anything to save the person whom they are in love with from being hurt!
Nip/Tuck (Christian Troy is my hero), The Family Guy (Stewie is the king, CSI/CSI:Miami, The Shield, Weeds, Yo Momma, That 70's Show
Invisible Man by R. Ellison, The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual, The Purpose Driven Life, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stony the Road We Trod, The Isys Papers, Maximized Manhood, Why Bad Things Happen to Good People, Black Robes/White Justice, Erotique Noir, Dark Eros - just to name a few!
All the women in my family, especially my mother, my aunt and my grandmother who had to raise their families the best way they knew how as single parents (R.I.P. Uncle Charles and my grandfathers Sam and Morris, whom I never had the pleasure of meeting)!