Caleb Horne profile picture

Caleb Horne

About Me

I love to write songs and share them with anyone who will listen. I also love just playing with new people I have never met and see where the musical connection takes us. The art of music is truly my favorite, as it allows trancendence so easily. All one has to do is open up their ears and their mind will follow.

My Interests


Member Since: 30/09/2008
Band Members: I also play in a grassy jammy type of band out of Eau Claire WI. Mostly I plunk around on the mandolin in that one, but have been known to pick up the electric guitar, jump on chairs and start screeming into microphones. You can check them out here:
Ultimate Frisbee Orchestra

Influences: The sweet sound of the wind through the pines. Lonesome freight whistles. LIVE music. All the pioneering singer songwriters brave enough to try. Mother Earth.
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Type of Label: Unsigned

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