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Cassie Scerbo

About Me

Hey lovas! Its Cass :), my music is FINALLY HERE!!!
Here's a few things you'd find if you looked into my heart..

I am here to change and inspire the world, whether it be through singing, acting or dancing, I am a performer and I wish to entertain, entrance and believe with all of you. I want to share a story through every song I sing and performance I give. To me, a song is not just a cool beat with words, its everything and anything you want it to be and it can lead you to explore emotions and beauty you never knew existed. I want to share my lyrics, my feelings and my heart with all of you out there and what better way than through MUSIC?! I'm a dreamer yet a believer AND achiever. I set my mind to something and there's no way it's not going to happen..I believe "Nothing's impossible!" I believe ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING beautiful, I believe in the fact that no one is perfect and that's why the world is so unique. I am learning, growing and evolving everyday as well as this world and the number one thing I've learned is that there are no limits to our imagination OR our REALITY, we can do anything we put our minds to, as long as we believe and have FAITH. I believe that faith, is the KEY TO LIFE. I don't believe in judging people, ESPECIALLY at first sight. I belive in forgiveness. I believe in change. I believe that music can beinspired by anything you see, smell, hear, ANYTHING.. I want to open up a world of music you never knew existed! I'm a fighter, and I'll fight for what I love to no end. I believe in harmony and being in tune with the world and our surroundings. I believe in speaking up and BEING HEARD...and most of all I believe in YOU, all of you :)..I love my fans friends and family more than anything and I'd do ANYTHING IN THE WORLD for a person with a good heart. I'm unique and different and will NEVER FIT IN, and that's a promise. I am a poet, a mentor and a performer and all I can do is sing my heart out until everyone in this world understands everything I've just wrote above and until the entire world knows who I am... until I've left an everylasting mark in music/performance history FOREVER, staying one with God through everything for eternity :)..It's going to be a looooong ride and I'd love for ALL of you to hop on and support, and just enjoy all the songs this page will eventually have to offer! They're not up for any other reason, so enjoy ;).. ROCK ON!!!!! GOD BLESS <3...

-CASS :)

hmmm, where to even start..basically, I've been singing and acting before I can talk and dancing before I can walk..there's not a day I can think back to in my life where I didn't have a BURNING passion for entertainment. Mostly because, I DO NOT do it for myself, I do it for the people, I am a huge people's person! I will do ANYTHING to put a smile on someone's face :), even if it conciders embaressing myself lol..When I was 4 years old I was put into a dance studio, I took up ballet, tap and the years, tons of recitals and red performing lipstick flew by I started to take up acting, singing and dancing at a neighborhood charm school called "Actors", which I begged my parents for! I was only 8 when I started at actors, I remember their end of the year shows, they would give out little "Oscar" and "grammy" awards..I'll never forget winning best actress at 9, it was the highlight of my year! Later on I started with agencies in miami for local commercials, modeling ops etc., as well as a dance compny called "Hip hop Kidz," I toured all over with Hip hop kidz! We went to New York, L.A., performed all over south Florida and even toured in Singapore! (Where I was asked to sing a cover tune, Jessica simpson's "With you") the end of the tour I believe the entire audience in the wonderful country of Singapore, memorized the lyrics and it was the BEST feeling I had ever felt. I was also chosen to fly out to LA and record a CD for Hip Hop Kidz with two other girls and two other rappers as well! I went from singing teacher to singing teacher until I found my perfect match, Ginger Ly! I started working with Ginger at age 14, I recorded and co-wrote my first song that year "Top of The World!" Which is why it is my pride and joy..Ginger and I wrote tons of songs since then and I performed all over with hip hop kidz, getting a sense of working the crowds. We performed at huge concerts with artists such as, Ashanti, Frankie J, lil Bow wow, Fat Joe, T pain and tons more, we also performed at half time games for the Miami Heat, the Macy's Thanksgiving day parade (where I sang as well w/ 2 other girls on the Hip Hop Kidz CD), Calle Ocho, Charity events, after school programs, carnivals, birthday parties and whatever else we could get our hands on! Fourteen years old, was also the age I was asked to fly out to LA for a very popular Disney show now known as "HANNAH MONTANA," it was my first time going out to LA and I wound up being one of the final girls left for the role of Hannah Montana, unfortunatley it was re-written and Disney decided to re-cast right before my screen-test, but like I say "Everything happens for a reason!" and I believe Miley was a great decision! ..and I've been very fortunate to work with Disney after that!..especially because there are TONS of talented young girls in Hollywood! Not long after that audition I spent my first "pilot season" in LA, I had to be taken out of highschool and home-schooled on and off at the age of 14 and 15 for pilot seasons..Until I turned 16... At age 16, I had no choice but to leave Hip Hop Kidz and my hometown of FL, due to a huge opportunity, called the Slumber Party Girls, when I was put up in los Angeles! Slumber Party Girls was a Geffen records recording girl group, produced by Ron Fair and DIC entertainment, we also appeared on CBS for a year, through interstitials and being the house band on they're TV show "Dance revolution".. The group was a mulit-cultural, 5 girl group consisiting of my amazing friends and co-workers, Lina, Caroline, Mallory & Karla! We had auditioned alongside thousands of other young girls, I personally auditiomed through a tape in Fl, sent it to California and got a call back to come out to LA! I took the chance and flew out, and after an 8 week auditionng period of acting, dancing and singing (and sleeping on a friends couch) I booked it!!! I was with my mom when I got the call and I was so overwhelmed to the point where I was pouring with tears..Through the duration of Slumber Party Girls I was blesed with the opportunity to meet amazing and huge people in the music industry. Our choreographer was Mikey Minden (PCD's personal choreographer along w/ many others), we got to meet tons of talented musicians and celebrities and ofcourse, our very own Grammy award-winning producer, Ron Fair (who's produced for, MARY J. BLEIGE, PCD, KEISHA COLE, CHRISTINA AGUILERA, FERGIE AND THE BLACK-EYED PEAS AND TONS MORE!!)..I also had the opportunity to perform in France, in NY at the US open, sing the National anthem at the Dodgers stadium (SO NERVE-WRECKING!), and perform LIVE on the Early Show in NYC on the day of our Album release! All in all, We got the chance to perform in front of huge music execs and label workers all over! SPG, was one of the most amazing experiences of my life! At the same time as SPG, I booked a Disney pilot called "Arwin" starring Selena Gomez, which unfortunatley didn't end up going, but was by far the funniest pilot I have EVER seen due to Brian Stepanek, (and that's being non-biest I promise!)..After SPG and "Arwin" also known as "House broken", I booked Bring it on 4 at age 17! Which was my first big movie!!! I can't even begin to describe the mark that shoot has left in my heart! It was a ton of fun! Not long after, I booked another movie, "Soccer Mom," starring Emily Osment, Missi Pyle, Master P., and Kristen Wilson..The writers strike wasn't an easy year but I pushed through and came out with great projects..I've also recorded a few Disney and Cartoon network voiceovers which is always so much fun to use my unmistakable, raspy voice in different ways! I'm so fortunate to have had the career I have thus far and can't wait to see what the future holds, this bio is getting long (really long) but there has been tons of more wonderful performances and projects I'd like to acknowledge real quick from being a part of anything like Lil' Romeo music videos to comedies with Pauly Shore to PSA's that have ran around the US, modeling spreads on South beach and tons more! I've been blessed for every singe project I've been a part of.. Here it is 09' and I can't even describe how amazing it feels to say that I have a new TV series coming out June 22nd on ABC family called, "Make it or Break it!" Please tune in and let me know your thoughts, I am beyond ecstatic and on cloud nine for the show to air! The journey has sure been quite a crazy rollercoaster ride with tons of rejection here and there and unexpected turns, starting out with my first acting job being an extra in a Burger Kind commercial to playing awesome roles on TV and film!.. but like I've said and will reinforce always, "Everything happens for a reason," and I won't ever let ANYTHING get in my way..I'm here to stay and only push further and further always exceeding everyone's expectations as well as my own..and its all for you guys! I never want to stop learning and growing, there's no such thing, the sky's the limit baby! Performng is my world, my everything, my heart and soul and I can only hope for you to all enjoy everything I put out, whether it be singing, dancing or acting! Special thanks to my overly supportive family, my father, John, mother and right-hand woman, Donna, big sister, Alaina and big brother, Johnny! As well as all my guardian angels watching out and most importantly, God!!!
God bless,

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My Interests


Member Since: 30/09/2008
Band Website:
Influences: Rihanna, Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, Girlicious, Madonna & The Pussycat Dolls.

Cassie & Emily Osment at the Soccer Mom premiere.

These are my two absolute favorites, what i abide by every day...

'Everything happens for a reason.' & 'Nothing's Impossible!'

"When the going gets tough, the tough get going."

"Faith, mighty the promise sees, and looks to God alone, laughs at impossibilities, and cries it shall be done." -Charles Wesley

"Doubts are the ants in the pants of faith. They keep it awake and moving." -Frederick Buecher

"Love isn't a maybe thing, you KNOW when you love someone."

"For God himself works in our souls, in the deepest depth, taking increasing control, as we are progressively willing to be prepared for his wonder."

"If you can't handle someone at their worst, you don't deserve them at their best."

"A good man in not a perfect man, a good man in an honest man, faithful, and unhesitatingly responsive to the voice of God in his life." -John Fischer

"God's heart is the most sensitive and tender of all. No act gone unnoticed, no matter how magnificent or small." -Richard J. Foster

Psalm 3:6 I will not be afraid of tens of thousands of people who have set themselves against me on every side. Psalm 3:7 Arise, Yahweh! Save me, my God! For you have struck all of my enemies on the cheek bone. You have broken the teeth of the wicked. -part of Psalm 3 by David in the book of Psalms.


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Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog


I get asked the same questions a lot of the time, so i figured i would do a FAQ blog You ask, and i will try my best to answer, then i will repost the Questions and Answers.*Check back often, this blo...
Posted by on Sun, 26 Jul 2009 17:57:00 GMT

History behind "Betcha dont know!

hmmmm..betcha don't know..well, this song was not only written for myself but to all my ladies OR my boys who have had their heart broken and are out to prove that their once loved one has m...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Oct 2008 02:36:00 GMT

History behind "Sugar & Spice" ;)

  Sugaaaa and spice babyyyy ;)..hmmm, where to begin..this is the first song I've written entirley by's how I would describe my personality, as well as many females out there ;)...I'm ...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Oct 2008 02:26:00 GMT

History behind "TOP OF THE WORLD!''

  Babybaaaaabies   I hope you enjoy my new song "Top of the World!" This was my first original song ever made in 05!  The reason for its title, is as simple as I've ALWAYS seen myself g...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Oct 2008 02:18:00 GMT

FIRST DAY SITE OPENS (10/07/08) !!!!

 LOVAAAASCheck out my music!  There's no end to the passion I have  for performing, whether it be singing, dancing or acting, peforming is more of a spiritual thing to's a way to...
Posted by on Wed, 08 Oct 2008 06:37:00 GMT