writing music and songs, worship, painting, riding my bike with my wife, just recently skiing, cooking anything.. the last thing I cooked was beans and rice.. man! it was so tasty... If you have ever been to India you probably share my same passion for beans and rice.
...with brother again because I haven't seen him in two years. (update) My brother came and visited, and it was great. He had grown up a great deal. We had to part again, but too this shall pass and we will be close again. His name is Micah.
Coldplay DeathCabforCurite PostalService Decemberists Flyleaf JustinBrownTranslation LeviSmith Any thing a friend or sibling writes Mae U2
Star Wars Indian Jones Braveheart Lord of the Rings
I honestly don't watch enough TV to say I like it. Maybe if I had cable, I'm sure I would be watching the Discovery Channel ( because I like all the animal knowledge I can get) and the Food Channel (because I like to eat animals with vegetables a nice sauce and noodles or rice)
Mere Christianity, Chronicles of Narnia (C.S. Lewis) Can Man Live Without God? (Ravi Zacharias)
A hero to me is someone who has walked into a dark and hard place with purpose, strength and hope knowing that death was near, but none the less walked.