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About Me

My name is Renee and I'm going to use this space to fight for the two things I care about most, God and the Environment. I'm a Christian and love Christ and would travel the world over to save people in his name. I'm fortunate enough to work with missionaries who fight the good fight and one day I hope to be out there doing the same thing. We are called to be salt and light to the world so let your light shine bright. The harvest is ripe but the workers are few. Let's proclaim the good works of the Lord to everyone.
There is another fight we can all do and that's stand up for the environment and start taking care of our planet. Global Warming is a reality that is getting worse every day, every hour, and really every minute. If you haven't seen Al Gore's movie An Inconvienent Truth I would highly recommend it. Even if you think Global Warming doesn't affect you there are simple things you can do around your home to make a difference and to save MONEY. Please take the time to find out what you can do to pitch in and save the lightbulb at a time! : )

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