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(( ♪ ))

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Your Life: The Soundtrack
Opening credits:
"PoiNT ouT THe BouNCe" JaY Z
Waking up:
"HeaRD 'eM SaY" KaNYe WeST
Average day:
"B BoY DoCUMeNT" HiGH & MiGHTy Feat. MoS DeF
First date:
"SuNSHiNe" LuPe FiaSCo
Falling in love:
"BeCauSe oF You" Ne-Yo
Love scene:
Fight scene:
Breaking up:
"SoNG CRy" JaY Z
Getting back together:
Secret love:
"DoWN LoW" R-KeLLy
Life's okay:
"DaYDReaMiN" LuPe FiaSCo
Mental breakdown:
"MeGaL-o-MaNiaC" iNCuBuS
Learning a lesson:
Deep thought:
"LeT THeRe Be LiGHT" NaS FeaT. TRe WiLLiaMS
"HoW We Do" THe GaMe FeaT. 50 CeNT
"SHoW Me WHaT You GoT" JaY Z
Happy dance:
"GoTTa HaVe iT" BeaNie SiGeL FeaT. PeDDi CRaCK
"RaiN oN Me" aSHaNTi
Long night alone:
Death scene:
"3 LyBRiaS" a PeRFeCT CiRCLe
Closing credits:
"BeaCH CHaiR" JaY Z FeaT. CHRiS MaRTiN

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My Interests

Nikki Bowers

My GuRL RiGHT HeRe aLWaYS HaS My BaCK No MaTTeR WHaT So i'LL aLWaYS HaVe HeRS... iF i eVeR HaD SoMe KiNDa PRoBLeM THaT i NeeDeD 2 TaLK 2 SoMeoNe aBouT, iT WouLD Be HeR... THe No NoN-SeNSe KiNDa GuRL, i CouLD WRiTe a THouSaND WoRD aND i STiLL WouLDN'T Be aBLe 2 eXPReSS THe KiND oF GuRL SHe iS... SHe'S aMaZiN, i LoVe u GuRLy

Amanda Dietz

i BeeN DoWN WiTH THiS BRoaD SiNCe i WaS THe GReeN HaiReD STRaNGeR oN My BLoCK, We BeeN THRouGH So MuCH DuMB SH*T... aND i'M SuRe THeReS MoRe 2 CoMe... i CouLDN'T LiVe W/o THiS GuRL iN My LiFe SHe'S My LiL' BaMBiNo

Amber BasleyTHe MoTHeR oF My GoD~SoN... SHe BRouGHT oNe THe MoST BeauTiFuL BaBieS To THiS eaRTH aND THaT aLoNe iS eNouGH, BuT SHe iS aLSo a GreaT FRieND aND VeRy DePeNDaBLe... NoTHiN BuT LoVe 2 My MoP HeaD... LoL

Richard Koontz
My MaiN MaN... aLWaYS oN TiMe BuT NeVeR oN SCHeDuLe, i aLWaYS KNoW THaT i HaVe SoMe oNe oN My SiDe No MaTTeR WHoM i'M aGaiNST, SoMe oNe i FeeL iS My eQuaL... aND oF CouRSe u KNoW i WiLL aLWaYS HaVe HiS BaCK, N u KNoW i'M LooKiN FoReWaRD 2 LeaViN ouT N CuFFS WiTH u SoMe MoRe, LoL, JuSt LiKe 'oL TiMeS

Joe Ullery

i DoN'T eVeN KNoW aBouT u SoMeTiMeS... BuT oNe THiNG i Do KNoW iS THaT WHeN u CoMe THRouGH GReaT THiNGS FoLLoW, THeRe iS NeVeR a DuLL MoMeNT WiTH Ya, i LoVe HoW uR aLWaYS DoWN 2 HaVe uR PeoPLeS BaCK, THaTS VeRY ReSPeCTaBLe, So u KNoW i GoTCHu... aND PLuS uR oNe oF THe FeW PeoPLe THaT uNDeRSTaND THe DiFFeReNCe BeTWeeN RaP & HiP HoP, LoL... THe DeCiPLeS oF HiP HoP...

Josh DelosteaSiLy THe FuNNieST MuTHa F**Ka i KNoW... THeRe WiLL NeVeR Be a TiMe WHeRe HiS ouTLooK oN LiFe WiLL NoT Be NeeDeD... JuST THe MoST STRaiT uP MoST RaNDoM aSS SH*T... a BiG THaNX 4 THaT... N WHeN u PuT HiM 2-GeTHeR WiTH...

Mark Maxfield
MaD NuTZ... My MaNZ-N-DeM, He STRiKeS Me aS oNe oF THe MoSt CaRiNG PeoPLe i KNoW, aLWaYS oN SoMe oFF The WaLL iSH, NeVeR HaD aNy STaTiC WiTH THiS GuY, aND i KNoW i NeVeR WiLL...

RonnieKoNG DoNG HiMSeLF... i STiLL DoN'T GeT iT, BuT WeRD oN Da STReeT... LoL, MaN uR NoT LiKe My BRoTHeR u R My BRoTHeR... We ReaLLy JuST STaRTeD CHiLLiN BuT i'M LooKiN 4-WaRD 2 THe FuTuRe

Curtis PropstTHiS GuY... FRoM BaCK iN THe DaY TeLLiN SCaRY SToRieS oN THe FRoNT YaRD, THeN JuST aPPeaRiN 4 YeaRS LaTeR ouT oF No WHeRe, He MaDe eVeRYNiGHT BeeR NiGHT aND eVeRY MoRNiN CoFFee N ReCoVeRy... aND i CaN'T 4-GeT FRiDaY NiGHT FiGHT NiGHT, LoL, So MuCH LauGHTeR... So MaNy SToRieS aND 2 THiNK, aLL THaT N LiKe 2 MoNTHS, LoL, BeTTeR ViSiT SooN... i'M ouT oF CoFFee

I'd like to meet:

Miri Ben Ari

Jessica Alba ¶

Oh and the beautiful Hoops...

Sexy Pink....

Bush Knocked Down the Towers... To Think otherwise is un-American...


~~~RaP/HiP HoP~~~
.Lupe Fiasco. .Jay Z. .The Roots. .Talib Kweli. .Kanye West. .Beanie Sigel. .Gift of Gab. .The Pharcyde. .Memphis Bleek. .Digable Planets. .Zack De La Rocha. .E-40. .Common. .Cassidy. .Mos Def. .Spazz GG. .Pharrell. .KooL G RaP. .The Game. .Bossman. .Pharoh Monch. .D.M.X. .Dr. Dre. .Bone Thugz and Harmony(old stuff). .A Tribe Called Quest. .Tech N9NE. .Fat Joe. .JadaKiss. .Outkast. .Crooked I. .Ludicris. .Mobb Deep. .Nas. .B.G. .Busta Rhymes. .NOTORIOUS B.I.G. .Freeway. .T.I.P. .Black Eyed Peas. and so so much more, but I'm mainly into lyrical Hip Hop/ Alternative Hip Hop;

.A Perfect Circle. .Slipknot. .My Chemical Romance. .HeD (p.e.). .System of a Down. .Rage Against the Machine. .Orgy. .Soundgarden. .Stone Temple Pilots. .Underoath. .KoRn(old stuff). .Incubus. .Deftonez. .P.O.D. .Tool. .Fall Out Boy. .Kittie. .Linkin Park. .Red Hot Chili Peppers.

~~~MiSC~~~ .Amy Winehouse. .John Legend. .Matisyahu. .Corrine Bailey Rae. .Miri Ben Ari. .Daft Punk. .Techno/Trance. .Ne-Yo. .Natasha Beddingfield. .Usher. .Mary J. Blidge. .& So So Much More..... THiS iS WHy H.O.V. iS THe TRuTH...



PULP FICTION, any Quintin Terintino film, Saw, Saw 2, Scareface, Show me Love, Paid in Full, State Property, State Property 2, and it goes on and on


.SCRUBS. .To Catch a Predator. .The Boondocks. .Family Guy. .Next. .Parent Control. .Real Sex. .Fresh Prince. .Sponge Bob. .The Daily show. .I LOVE LUCY. .The Jeffersons. .The Brady Bunch. .106th & Park. .South Park. .Drawn Together. .Real World. .History Channel. ECT...


The Holy Bible, A Road Less Traveled, 2 damn books and i didn't finish niether
Who's to say the darkened clouds must lead to rain,
Who's to say the problems should just go away,
Who's to point a finger at what's not understood????


Spider-Man, GOD BLESS that webbed S.O.B.

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More PoLiT!CS

Serj Tankian solo from System of a DownVery deep video...Check out this video: Serj Tankian - Empty Walls Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by (( j )) on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 06:36:00 PST

Real Talk

Every Sunday dressing up catching gossip at its worstCouldn't see the difference in the Baptist and the Catholic ChurchCaught up in the rapture of the first chapter and second verseIf we all God's chi...
Posted by (( j )) on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 08:57:00 PST

WaKe uP

i FouND THiS SURVeY FiLLeD ouT By SoMe WHiTe GiRL... iT SuPPoSeDLy TeLLS You HoW "BLaCK" You aRe... BuT ReaD THIS SH*T aND FiND ouT WHaT THeY THiNK MaKeS You BLaCK.... 1. [] You have cused somebody ou...
Posted by (( j )) on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 08:00:00 PST


                Yea... [Fuck Bush]... But first, fuck pointing fingers. I hear plenty of people yelling [Fuck Bush]. So I ask them ...
Posted by (( j )) on Sun, 25 Feb 2007 01:54:00 PST