Inspired by someone:
I'm Alex. I don't know you, but you probably know me. I'm sure you've seen me in paper city or out at a bar....I didn't notice you-- I was probably wearing something you wish you owned. I'm a faggot, but still hang out with hotter girls than you. Wanna fuck one of them? Ya right, they are mine. They are intelligent, gorgeous, bred well and aren't seeking out your suburban STD's. My interests are influence, money, power, superiority, and making big deals. What? you don't like my interests? Well, first go fuck yourself. Second, put on your white sneakers, ed hardy or affliction shirt (whichever you like), your true religions and go outside to your driveway or alley and look what's there. Let me guess...a H3, yellow? God I'm amazing. I bet all your suits are from Marshalls and Ross. I go to law school. I'm smart, probably smarter than you. I'm going to make a great attorney but probably won't represent you because I will only be representing people who make big deals. I grew up in Houston, the good part, I live in NYC now in a great building, I have amazing hair, better than yours, not that thats difficult. You know how everyone thinks that their life is so fucking cool it should be filmed, well mine actually is filmed. Jealous? My life is amazing. Don't believe me? well, when I have the time, I'll tell you more.
Favorite Quote of the Moment:
So, I have always been a huge believer that bed time is the most amazing and perfect time of your day, actually of your life. When you get in bed and there is nothing but you, the dark, your thoughts and your pillow the truth of your day, the truth of your current life comes out. At the end of the day, when your lay your head on the pillow, you know the truth about what's really happening. No matter how much you like to everyone else, or yourself at that exact moment it's all real and it's all there. So I always find it amusing to remain quiet, smile, and not respond when someone I see or meet lives their life with so many lies. Say what you please, by all means, because the fact is, you know YOUR truth and most of the time, so do I. So I urge you all to, tonight when you fall asleep to be silent and let your insides talk..and trust me, they will. LOL. If you're happy with those truths then keep on keeping on....if not however, change them and hope it's not too late because someone else might have already figured yours out.