Member Since: 29/09/2008
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Band Members: Not a group - just the dark side of my sick brain // Horror 4o4 : spoken words, dead emergencies, pix // Elastik : sounds maker, mix // Any kind of experience is welcome..
Influences: Les ombres silencieuses.
Flesh & Bones. Overdose. Guts & Fears. Resistance. Coma.
My monologues are tiny and useless whispers that time will mark in an indelible grace. A print for eternity. I would embrace your world if only i knew who you are. But all the pigs have won and your god is dead. Finally books are right : men will evaporate in defiance of the deepest void.
Sounds Like: I am the needle in your vein. I am the hole inside your bones. And i control you.
Les mots coagulent en grimaçant.
Des images, des figures. Cadavres.
Et que crève le spectacle. Donc.
Tout se précipite, tout coule et se perd en fonte perpétuelle. Même le sang, et les cellules de notre épiderme. Quand bien même les instants de vie s’agitent, fébriles, au creux de nos veines, en chuchotant des incantations aux noms étranges, chaque jour s’effondre un peu plus dans nos ventres, en revêtant les couleurs bleutées de la nuit, austère, froide, amniotique, et la mélancolie qui s’invite, comme une ombre familière, envahit nos corps lentement, jusqu’à la déchirure originelle.
Donner de la matière aux silences en tatouant sur nos poignets nos dates de péremption respectives. Ne plus vouloir retourner dans le réel. Et se brûler la rétine en y recherchant l’illusion des damnés. Pharmacopsychose. Dissociation. Abandon.
Les brumes matinales ne veilleront plus sur nous.
I play with an invisible syringe, just above my arteries.
You’ll never recall the taste of my tears.
Dead stars underneath my feet.
Stones in the heart, and bleeding memories.
Grey feelings and embolism in my head.
Razorblades in my mouth to swallow the past.
You could have been a part of this.
The silences i spit and ink on walls of paper.
I’ve lost all my skins. Writing is my flesh.
Dust inside my bones. Surgical extractions from chaos.
Organic beats. Cold meat. I become reptilian, and i like it.
Dirty sweet vertigo. Feed me with hopes..
Until it ruins my soul. And burn. Burn for me. Please.
What about dignity if i say that today is my last day. Prick your lips and lick your blood, the moon has now eclipsed the sun, you can’t pretend to face yourself. Each time i look outside, i close my eyes and sink into your veins, i make my devil cry and forget who i am.
Type of Label: Unsigned