Alphabetical things I like and dislike.
Things that I like: Anonymous gifts, Board games, Cereal, Doctor suess, Enthusiasm, Fezzes, the spice Girls, Hyphenation, Intelligent conversations, thomas Jefferson, Kevin smith movies, classical Literature, Martha stewart, Nonchalance, black Olives, Piercings/tattoos, Quirkiness, Road trips, Seinfeld, Toenail polish, Unwarranted sarcasm, Volleyball, Whistling random songs, X (multiplication), the Yankees, led Zeppelin
Things I don't like: unfounded Anger, Bowling, sun Chips, Disrespect, Elves, Foppishness, delusions of Grandeur, Halitosis, Ignorance, Jack-o-lanterns, Kiss-ups, Liquids that are forcibly squeezed from living creatures, country Music, Non-use of blinkers, green Olives, lucy van Pelt, air Quotes, being in a Rush, Swimming, Taxidermy, Umbrellas, Vegetables, Whiners, Xenophobes, Yodeling, Zipper mishaps