I like movies, music, dancing, singing, theater, and anything with History.
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almost anything.
Anything with Johnny Depp, Narnia, King Kong, North and South, Gone with the Wind, Pride and Prejudice (2004), Rent (both the movie and the broadway show), Most Disney movies, Monster House, The Descent, Lord of the Rings (all 3), Star Wars (old school), The Big Lebowski, Sweeney Todd
Nip/Tuck, 24, Family Guy, Charmed, Arrested Development, Sex in the City, Lost, American Idol, House
Stephen King Books, Anne Rice Books, Uncut version of the Stand, The Sord of Truth books, The Cruicble, Romeo and Juliet, and Julies Caesar, Pride and Prejudice, Harry Potter
My Parents, Sister, Grandparents, My husband, My best friend Aleks, and of course my Dr., Dr Parrish..if it wasn't for him I might not be alive to day.