gday. my name is fiona, and this is my story...I have just finished my Bachelor of nursing at QUT, and more importantly than that, got a job out of it!
and i am going to spend the next few months in japan, where i belong, with a certain someone...
i have lots of time for my family, friends, music and sex and the city.
i don't have a lot of time for the ipswich motorway.
i haven't really considered myself to be a very lucky person, until recently.
it is funny how in just one day your whiole life can be turned upside down... in a good way.
thats what happened when i met my boyfriend, Jesse.
i think i am not only the luckiest, but the happiest girl on the planet, possibly who ever lived. and for that i will be forever grateful. (thank you).
elephants are also lucky, especially when their trunks are up, i have one on a keyring - and its trunk is, my name is fiona, and that was my story.