Jesse Robert Eason Cusworth
He is 17 years old, He plays guitar, He straightens his hair on a regular basis.
He loves a girl called Rach, she is his best friend and truly amazing.
He often gets referred to as, 'the wierd goth kid', 'emo boy', 'asian', or 'fatty'... none of these offend him.
His friends are freaking insane... and he loves each and every one of them.
Music is not his life... but Jesus is.
Jesus is his saviour, best friend and they talk about everything.
He does not claim to be perfect, or anywhere near it.
He just loves going insane in the name of Jesus Christ.
He plays guitar and bass and a little bit of drums, people are trying to get him to sing, he wants to but just cant muster up the courage.... just quite yet.
He wants to do whatever God wants him to do.
He apparently belongs to many sub-groups, cliches and stereotypes, but hey, he doesn't mind what box you put him in as long as it's not a chinese takeaway box.
He owns more band shirts than any other item of clothing.
He thinks about some things way too much.
He doesn't think about other things nearly enough.
The last three years have taught the most he has ever learnt, he has gained more friends and lost more friends than ever. He has also realised who his real friends are, and has appreciated them more than ever.
He believes it's much easier to say something on stage, than it is to live it out.
He wants to leave this world, having made a positive impression on atleast one persons life.
He doesn't get offended by people that do not share his faith or tease him about it. He is not here to defend the word of God, but just to live it.
He will not try to ram christianity down anyones throat but will answer their questions if they ask.
He sometimes finds it hard understand some people, but he tries.
He figures, there will always be things that he will never understand.
He doesn't have many heroes, just Jesus Christ, Although, he has people that he looks up to and wants to be like in the future.
One of those people is Kasey Smith.
He seems to be able to love people easily, which is a good thing, so feel free to talk to him.
MSN- [email protected].
AIM- cussa20.