Music, singing, dancing, taking care of my chihuahuas (Happy & Sunshine), Shopping, Chillin' with friendz...
Anyone who can teach me something NEW (that is of interest to me of course)... Anyone who is REAL... Anyone who can handle my moods and my disappearing acts (I need alone time to stay sane)... Anyone who will get to know me for ME... Anyone who won't judge me or others... Animal LOVERS...
Hip Hop (Timbaland), R&B (absolutely love Janet, Usher, Brian McKnight, and Joe). Evanescence (especially the songs "hello" and "my immortal"...everyone has his/her IMMORTAL. I have mine and he knows who he is...)
The Usual Suspects, Requiem for a Dream, Nothing to Lose, My Best Friend's Wedding, Love Actually, The Last Samurai, All movies from PIXAR... All movies starring Seann William Scott (he's HOT!!).
Tom & Jerry Cartoon, Sex & The City (totally accurate on how girlz will be girlz...), The Office (love Dwight), Entourage (kinda crazy how similar it is to my bro's life).
A Diet for a New America (I'm a vegetarian...kinda anyway cuz I do eat seafood, but after watching Finding Nemo, I might give up on eating seafood too...), Freakonomics (must read).
My intermediate family.