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Angel Luis

Successfully Single

About Me

Create your own visitor map! This is the part where I have to write about myself. My name is Angel. I live in Jacksonville, Florida. Well I'm not really interested in writing my whole life story so I've put together 100 things that should help you get to know me a little better. Enjoy. Oh and there's a quiz later...
    My family calls me "T.J.", short for Tato (my father's nickname) Junior. I've lived in 6 different states (Texas, Hawaii, Alabama, Colorado, New Mexico, and Florida) and 1 European country (Germany). I've set foot in 27 U.S. states (most recent new state is Massachusetts in July 2006), 10 European nations and Mexico. I hope to make it to all 50 states before I die. I named my youngest sister, Melissa, when I was 5.
    I have an obsession with the Brooklyn Bridge but have never been on it. I cried when I saw the events of September 11th on TV and keep a picture of the WTC at my desk. I don't like to cry. I hate most vegetables. I always order my steak medium. My first name ends with " L ", my middle name starts with " L ", my middle name ends with " S ", and my last name starts with " S " which means I can write my name without stopping A nge L ui S antiago. I was born on a Tuesday. I hate to fly. I never met either of my grandfathers. I hated spinach as a kid, now I love it. I can't swim and have nearly drowned 3 times. I'm severely allergic to cats. I'm terrified of spiders and nearly wrecked once when one was dangling from the rear view mirror of my car. I got an "F" the first time I took Introductory Genetics in college... I retook it and got an "A". I love shopping at Target. My favorite color is blue. I played the clarinet in middle and high school. I'm severely ticklish. I visited the Eiffel Tower on its 100th anniversary. I wear cologne every day. I've been in love twice. I worked at Walt Disney World in the summer of 2000. My favorite liquor is Bacardi. I'll only drink whole milk. I once hit my third grade teacher for giving me a "D" on an assignment. I hate the show Seinfeld. My first computer was a Commodore 64. I love redheads, especially if they're Irish.
    My first car was white 1988 Ford Tempo and I named her "Baby"... my friends nick-named her the "Ride-of-death". I've been in 4 car accidents; rear-ended twice while sitting at a red light and rear-ended twice because the people behind were tailgating and my car has killer brakes. I once had a neurosurgeon tell me after seeing an X-ray of my neck after the first car accident that I was going to need surgery to repair a fractured vertebrae and they had me immobilized. An MRI revealed I had severe whiplash after the first crash and not a fractured vertebrae. I went to the liquor store 6 times on my 21st birthday. The first person who carded me on my 21st birthday misread my license and thought I was 26. I was busted with alcohol on my college campus 2 times. I drank on campus countless times. A prank my friends and I pulled made it on the front page of my college newspaper twice. I've seen the Mona Lisa. I love Ansel Adams photography. Calvin and Hobbes is my favorite comic strip. The fastest I've ever driven is 125mph and it was pretty scary. I intentionally didn't apply to New Mexico States University so I could leave home and move to Albuquerque and attend the University of New Mexico. My first relationship lasted 4 years. I've seen two of my favorite bands in concert: The Smashing Pumpkins and Green Day. I love crossword puzzles. I'm terrible at crossword puzzles. The first weekend in college my mom called me at 8am on Saturday morning and that never happened again. I love watching Jeopardy. I once fell off of a raised platform at a club in front of everyone. The longest I've gone without a shower is 3 days. The first movie I saw in the theatre was "E.T." I was born in the year of the Dragon. I was pulled over once because the cops thought my buddy Dave, who was sitting in the passenger seat, was a homicide suspect. I once puked out of a third story window there were witnesses. I learned Spanish before I could speak English, now I can barely speak Spanish. I attended a party that was broken up by several police cars and a police helicopter. I was born on 1/18 and my best friend was born on 11/8. My last name translated into English is St. James. I prefer to drive cars with manual transmissions. I've always wanted to visit the White House. I only use Irish Spring soap. I love talking on the phone. I have a hard time remembering names.
    I never forget a face. I once spent 10 minutes looking for my phone while talking on it. My initials are carved in cement in 4 different places on my college campus. My current car is named "Jack". Meatloaf is one of the greatest foods ever invented. If I walk barefoot in grass I'll break out in a really bad rash. I've driven in snow only 2 times and nearly wrecked both times. I like black jelly beans. I believe in love at first sight. I'm Puerto Rican but have never been to Puerto Rico. I never really liked baseball until I went to my first major league game at Dodge Stadium, now I love it. I used to roll my jeans up in middle school. I like tattoos but don't have any. I've only been in one fist fight I won. My favorite subject in high school was chemistry. My least favorite subject in college was chemistry. I still use the alarm clock I bought when I was 14. I hate being wrong. I love staring at maps. I wish I had blue eyes. Although I'll wear boxers or briefs, I prefer boxer-briefs. Almost all of my shoes are Sketchers. About 80% of the music I listen to is Dance/Electronic although I've started to listen to other stuff recently. When I got the chicken pox in the 1st Grade they covered every square inch of my body. I love dogs. If I won the lottery the first thing I'd buy is a BWM M6. I've only broken 1 bone, my right little toe, and the day I did that I went hiking anyway. I was the last one to find out my sister eloped. I like having borders run between my legs I've had the U.S./Mexico and East/West Berlin borders between my legs. The most shots of hard liquor I've drank in one evening is 16 I came in third place that evening. I'm afraid of dying alone. Almonds are my favorite nuts. I'm a crappy speller.

Think you know me? Take this little quiz I put togeher and let's see how well you actually do. 150 points is the top score.
Create your own friendquiz here !
ANGEL'S DREAM FLEET Ok so I wrote up there that if I won the lottery the first thing I'd buy is a BMW M6. Well I'd actually get a whole slew of cars. This is my dream fleet of 12 vehicles I MUST have. :) If you're interested in purchasing any of these for me just let me know. *wink*
SAVANNAH GAY PRIDE 2006 Here's a slideshow of some pics of my boys and I having a good during our trip up to Savannah, Georgia.
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BEER! Yeah I love beer. So what? It loves me too! I may be gay but I don't need nor want some frilly poofy alcholic beverage to have a good time. Just beer. And lots of it.
"Beer is proof that God loves us, and wants us to be happy."
Benjamin Franklin
Who am I to argue with Benjamin Franklin? I mean come on... he's on the $100 bill.
JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA My home since 2000 and now the place I've called home longer than any other place in my life. Although not the most glamorous city in Florida, it still is Florida.
MY 50 STATE QUEST I don't have a huge laundry list of quirky things I want to do during my life. I've already done a lot of cool things. But one quirky thing I'd like to get done is to set foot in all 50 states. As I've already mentioned before I've been to 27 of them. So that means I'm 54% done. Still have 23 more to go. Check out where I've been and where I still need to go. The teal color represents all the states I've been to and the yellow ones are where I've lived.
ANGEL-ISMS Spend any length of time with me and you'll probably notice a few quirky phrases or euphemisms I use over and over. I like to make up words and phrases. Most of them I've forgotten over the years since it's a constantly evolving process. You gotta keep up with the times, although nothing says "funny" like a well-timed classic. So in case you read or hear any of the follow you can find out what I'm really trying to say by using this mini dictionary.
"Cool Beans"
awesome, great, or wonderful
"Douche Bag"
one who commits douche baggery; usually an asshole, jerk, pain in the ass, and/or butt-munch
a form of yup; an acknowledgement
"Yo yo!"
"Hasta la pasta."
goodbye, usually accompanied with a military-type salute
"Why ya'll gotta be such bitches?"
"Why can't you just do what I tell you to do?"
"Oh snap!"
sudden recollection of something forgotten, moment of clarity, or form of mockery
over the top fantastic, usually in reference to myself or my group of friends
"Not even on a Tuesday night!"
a person that is not attractive and has no chance getting any
"Mr. Stripper Man"
an attractive male dancer
"Adult Beverage"
booze, usually used to enhance the humorous nature of a story involving drunkenness
"Liquid Bread"
beer, one of the essential food groups
"I haven't eaten in two days."
"I've been drunk for two days."
"The Chad and Angel Show"
an event attended by Chad (my best friend) and myself
see "cool beans"
"What toppings do you want on the pizza?"
"I'm ordering what I want no matter what you say."
"Liquid cocaine"
a coffee beverage from Starbucks
"Let's go visit the drug dealer."
"I would like a beverage from Starbucks."
"The SCUM of baseball"
the Boston Red Sox
you either did or told me about something worth gossiping about
"Hoe Bag"
one who commits hoe baggery; also slut, skank, and whore
Crazy Puerto Rican; ie. me
my Volkswagen
"Über Gay"
flaming ultra gay, ie. Boy George, Elton John, and Tom Cruise
JACKSONVILLE AIR SHOW 2006 So I was dragged out to this year's Jacksoville Air Show. Well not dragged... I had nothing going on and I was invited. Probably wouldn't have gone otherwise. Well it was fun. Planes are cool. Especially loud ones that go fast. Plus I got to see the Blue Angels. Pretty Sweet! Here are some select pictures!

My Interests



Think getting a refund check from the government each spring is a great thing? Think again. Find out how the government lied to the public and added an amendment to the U.S. Constitution (the 16th) that made taxing personal income, a previously unconstitutional activity, a part of every day life.


Derek Jeter
Best Shortstop in Baseball

Michael Jordan
Best Basketball Player Ever

Karen Walker
Coolest Rich Bitch Ever

Captain James T. Kirk
Badass Pimp of the Future

Neal Boortz
In-your-face Radio Personality

Stewie Griffin
Out of control 1 year old

Tucker Max
#1 Party Man and Asshole

My Blog

Being a New York Yankees Fan

So being a Yankee fan is about the worst fan you can be according to most sports aficionados.  Because the Yankees have won 26 World Series Championships most Yankee fans are consi...
Posted by Angel Luis on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 10:27:00 PST

I'm going to be an UNCLE!

Little sister called me last night and told me that she thinks she's pregnant.  From the sound of it it seems like she truly is but she's going to the doctor to make sure.  I'm so excited.&n...
Posted by Angel Luis on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 09:00:00 PST

Blue Hairs Shouldn't Drive!

Man, old people piss me off.  So I'm driving back to the office after lunch minding my own business.  In front of me was a brand new Cadillac STS.  Nice car.  I like them a lot.&n...
Posted by Angel Luis on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 12:22:00 PST