Quality Control Questionnaire (ISO 67118):1) Do you have a cute fuzzy furry creature picture in your profile? 2) Under 'Who You Want to Meet', did your say "Anyone" or "Everyone"? 3) Under 'Status', did you put "It's complicated"? * 4) Do you hold up your fingers to form the 'V' sign when you get your picture taken? 5) Do you do a running commentary when watching a movie in the cinema? 6) Do you end your sentences with "lor"? 7) Are you an Accountant? # 8) Are you a member of a cult? (Eg. Do you dance naked in the pale moonlight while holding a decapitated chicken while chanting a mantra?)Yes = 10 points, No = 0 points * (If 'Yes', minus 100 points.) # It's complicated?! If you don't know whether you are in a r/ship or not, then you both need to have a serious talk.More than 30 points - Your soul mate can be found at www.ahmoi.com 30 points or less - You Pass. Let's converse.(c)