I’m constantly contradicting myself. Contrary to popular misconception, I do in fact have morals. I live by my own code of personal ethics, and you should (live by my ethics) too. Though, I still get that i bare comparison to the spawn of Satan...even in all of my godliness. I reside in Staten Island! A borough best known for Fresh Kills Landfill, the world’s largest landfill operating for over 50 years! And no, I do not feel a sense of pride when I tell this to people. Chuck Palahnuik is not only my favorite author but my idol. I guess I’m a pretty impatient person, and sometimes people misconstrue me for being a cunt. I’m not a cunt. I’m a perfect specimen of a human being. I drink because I like to cause social pressure, and I have a dire need to make people believe they are not adequate. Why? Because I’m a cunt. Hence my first sentence.