About Me
Name: Mercedes Chaparro
Birthday: 10/10/89
Birthplace: in a box
Current Location: in a slightly larger box
Eye Color: hazel
Hair Color: shit brown...with some gold.
Height: 5'5"...pretty average.
Right Handed or Left Handed: right.
Your Heritage: mainly white and hispanic.
The Shoes You Wore Today: flipem floppers.
Your Weakness: chocolate...
Your Fears: bugs, rejection, losing...
Your Perfect Pizza: I hates pizza...except for pizza marguerite.
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: hmmm, I guess it would be to learn completely how to drive and get my real license.
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: omfg, omgzz, wtf, XD
Thoughts First Waking Up: yay, school!
Your Best Physical Feature: my boobs and my legs, I loves them.
Your Bedtime: 11-12 o'clock.
Your Most Missed Memory: the snow in Ohio, and making snowmen to stab with the 10' icicles that dripped off the roof of our giant house.
Pepsi or Coke: coke?
MacDonalds or Burger King: neither?
Single or Group Dates: hmmm, group at first, then later single.
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: who gives a flying fuck?!
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate!!
Cappuccino or Coffee: cappuccino.
Do you Smoke: ewwww.
Do you Swear: fuck.
Do you Sing: yes, in your ear, very loudly.
Do you Shower Daily: god, yes.
Have you Been in Love: Yes, and I am again.
Do you want to go to College: um...yeah? Duh.
Do you want to get Married: probably not. and no chillins, definitely no chillins.
Do you belive in yourself: haha...no.
Do you get Motion Sickness: rarely.
Do you think you are Attractive: yeah. :D But I'm kinda loud.
Are you a Health Freak: In a weird way, yes. I play lots of ddr now to keep my weight down and haven't eaten massive amounts since...well...I lost my enormous appetite.
Do you get along with your Parents: um...not so much anymore...
Do you like Thunderstorms: no...they're scaaaryyy....
Do you play an Instrument: I used to play the violin...but no more. Apparently I embarrassed my mom in front of my violin tutor and she got fed up with it and cut off my lessons. I wanted to keep playing, I was just...stubborn.
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: yes, I had a mimosa the night of prom...though I like mudslides better.
In the past month have you Smoked: that is a disgusting habit, not a chance.
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Yes...
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: yes, to get prom accessories and break in my heels.
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: no, all I get are those 100 cal oreo wafer shits that dissolve in milk.
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: yes, and I loved it.
In the past month have you been on Stage: thank god, no.
In the past month have you been Dumped: nope, not yet.
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: I wish.
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: probably?
Ever been Drunk: only a little tipsy...in front of my parent's friends. It started a big argument because my dad let me have it and one of the friends was a police officer.
Ever been called a Tease: yeah, but not in a good way. :(
Ever been Beaten up: me get beaten up?? fuck no. I've kicked a kid down some bleachers before though.
Ever Shoplifted: yeah. and this one time when I was younger I took a nail clipper to a store and clipped all the price tags off the clothes.
How do you want to Die: I want to be blown up at 50, and splatter all over everyone.
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: an engineer, perhaps.
What country would you most like to Visit: Italy, probably. Or Spain.
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: Dark brown or ice blue. It really depends on the hair and skin.
Favourite Hair Color: dark brown, I always go for that.
Short or Long Hair: well, I seem to like long hair, long being down to the shoulders.
Height: taller than me by at least 4 inches.
Weight: Skinny, but not like...skeleton thin.
Best Clothing Style: I...pretty much don't care.
Number of Drugs I have taken: 357738578290567436576478678576823457875.
Number of CDs I own: 2.
Number of Piercings: 2.
Number of Tattoos: full body.
Number of things in my Past I Regret: same amount as the number of drugs I have taken.
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
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The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly! - A Survey of Your Life
* So Basically... *
Name?: Mercedes
Age?: I'm secretly 34.
Sex?: yes please.
Birth Date?: october 10th
Hair Color?: brownish blond...looks like crap really
Eye Color?: similar to my hair but with green
Height?: 5'5". I'm exceptionally average.
Weight?: too much
Body Type?: the bad kind
Piercings?: in my ears. I'm such a rebel.
Tattoos?: yeah, no.
What are you wearing right now?: NOTHING. j/k
Hair style at the moment?: wet.
* Favorites *
Soda?: ummm root beer or dr pepper.
Food?: all of it.
Drink?: ...I don't know?
Alcoholic Drink?: hold on let me go raid the liquor cabinet
Time of day?: earlier than whatever time it is now
Season?: we only get summer here, so...summer.
Day of the week?: fridays are usually pretty good
Song at the moment?: oh god I have no clue
Band/Artist?: *shrugs*
Book?: Lolita since it was the last book I read and I liked it
Subject in school?: bio, although...euro's pretty sweet
Place in the USA?: California
Place outside the USA?: I wish I could say
Color?: purple maybe? or brown
Style of clothes?: whatever works....
Store?: I heart Anthropologie.
Mall?: ummm I guess the big one down in Sawgrass
City?: San Diego
Website?: I don't know actually
Magazine?: magazines? what are those?
Kind of pet?: the one that makes sounds when you fling it
* Worst *
Place to be?: at school when you've forgotten something important
Class in school?: Calculus because mr harris is about as exciting as plain oatmeal...cold.
Time of dayr?: right after waking up.
Season?: summer. damn.
Kind of pet?: rats. I hate rats.
Drink?: probably those gross grass shakes or whatever they are
Food?: I've tried too many to remember. Boiled peanuts come to mind.
Mall?: I dunno.
Store?: I dunno about this either.
Style of clothes?: usually whatever I'm wearing.
Celebrity?: all of them. no, seriously. they suck.
Color?: worst color? are we allowed as art majors to hate a color?
Book?: if only I had read every book ever and could give you an honest answer.
Type of music?: rap...and country bites too
Website?: the vast majority of them
Magazine?: uhhhhhh.
* Daily Life *
When do you get up?: either 5:30 or 6:30, depending on where I am.
What is your first thought?: fuck you. and sometimes I hit whoever is waking me up.
What do you do first?: ...slide out of bed and fall on the floor.
What's your usual outfit?: pants...and...a shirt.
What's the first class of the day?: economics or euro. blahhhh.
When does school end?: not early enough.
Do you see your friends?: of course.
What do you do when you get home?: die.
What time do you go to bed?: either 6pm or like...2am.
* Do you...*:
Brush your teeth daily?: yes, twice.
Brush your hair daily?: yah, I kinda have to
Shower daily?: yes, I'd die if I didn't.
Sing?: usually.
Dance?: yeah....
Party?: every now and then
Get drunk?: nope
Have sex?: unfortunately, no
Read books?: most often not
Listening to music a lot?: yeah, I suppose
Read magazines?: no...
Go online a lot?: all the freakin' time
Stay on AIM all day even with an away message?: that's me. all night, too.
Have a religion?: yes, it's the one where we don't believe anything.
Have an IPod?: no
Want an IPod?: not really, just an mp3 player
Have a Girlfriend/Boyfriend?: yes...
Play an instrument?: define instrument
Get sick a lot?: oh hell yes, I have frequent dier miles with the local hospital
Watch TV?: sometimes
Like MTV?: no
Like VH1?: no
Like the History Channel?: every now and then
Have Digital Cable?: I don't know
Have more than 500 channels on your TV?: no
Listen to the radio?: to talk shows. they're so stupid.
Still use your CD player?: yeah, since I have no mp3 player
Stalk people?: everyone.
Have more than 200 buddies on your Buddy List?: am I supposed to?
Have dial-up internet?: nope
Have AOL?: I think so
Know HTML?: not well
Have a GPA higher than 3.9?: not higher than...
Get H's in honors classes?: ...h's?
* Music *
Do you listen to Rap?: not voluntarily
R & B?: no
Blues and/or Jazz?: usually no
Classical?: sometimes
Pop?: I try not to
Country?: no
Emo/Scremo?: no
Heavy Metal?: no
Christian?: oh yeah, all the time -.-;
Techno?: yes actually.
Reggae?: no
Broadway Musical songs?: ...surprisingly yes
Oldies?: no
* In A Boyfriend/Girlfriend *
Hair color?: dark brown or black. I hate blondes and red heads
Eye color?: I don't really care all that much
Tattoos?: preferably not
Piercings?: depends on where
Favorite Music?: what do I care?
Style of clothing?: clothes are...unnecessary.
Body Type?: ummm I don't date fatasses.
Personality or Looks?: can't I have both?
Would you go out with someone just for their money?: probably
Do you go on "Pity Dates"?: HAHAHAHA no.
Does size matter?: unfortunately yes.
Do they have to be popular?: no.
Does the guy ask the girl or the other way around?: well, in all of my past experiences, I do the asking, so...yeah.
Where do you go on the first date?: back seat of the car.
Kiss on the first date?: depends on the circumstances.
Sex on the first date?: ...no!
* Right Now *
Do you think you look good right now?: haaaaaaaaaa.
Are you eating something?: I wish.
Are you drinking something?: no.
Are you IMing anyone?: no.
Are you talking on the phone with someone?: no, I don't use my phone at home.
Are you talking face to face with someone?: no.
Is anyone at your house who doesn't live there?: no.
What song are you listening to?: no. oh wait. Orinoco flow. is that how ya spell it? I dunno.
What are you watching on TV?: a black screen.
What other websites do you have open?: none.
Why are you taking this survey?: cause I don't feel like reading chapter 15.
Where are you going to post it?: on my forehead.
What are you going to do after this?: eat something.
* What do you Believe? *
Do you believe in ghosts?: no.
The afterlife?: yeah right.
Aliens?: yeah, kind of.
God?: HA. that's a good one.
The devil?: NO.
Heaven?: nope
Hell?: nope
Scientology?: I thought that was reserved for crazies?
Hinduism?: nope
Buddhism?: no
Christianity?: noooooo
Taoism?: no
Judism?: no
Jesus?: I believe he existed but...not in his divinity
Nothing?: yep that's me
Reincarnation?: it's a ridiculous concept
Yourself?: nope
* Randoms *
Have you been on an airplane before?: ...........duh.
Where were you going?: which time, fucker?!
Have you been to another country?: when I was like 2.
Have you ever went to another country with your friends?: no
Have you ever partied in another country?: no
Have you ever went on a roadtrip with your friends?: no, I wish
Ever stayed online more than 10 hours straight?: YES @.@
Pretended to like someone just to get popular?: no? Though I contemplated it
Talked about someone behind their back?: yep, that's what I do with my time
Had someone talk about you behind your back?: I'm sure
Been in a fight online?: yes, plenty
Been in a fight face to face?: again, yes, plenty
Gotten yourself involved in a fight that wasn't about you?: yep.
Been called a bitch?: yep.
Been called a slut/whore?: probably by Thomas
Been to Australia?: nope
Do you like snakes?: yep
Ever cried to get your own way?: yep, all the time
Ever broken a bone?: nope
Ever had to stay in the hospital for more than a week?: no, thankfully
Ever had serious surgery?: yeah, kind of...
Ever looked a porn online?: yep, lots
Ever went to one of those "adult" stores?: I'm too young right now
Ever bought clothes at Walmart?: no, that place gives me the creeps
Ever gotten clothes from the Salvation Army?: yes, for one of my halloween costumes
Ever paid more than 100 dollars for a pair of jeans?: yeah
Ever been on stage for any reason?: yeah
Ever been in a play?: yeah
Ever been in a choir?: yeah
Ever been in a band?: ummm an orchestra
Do you play, or used to play, an instrument?: yes....
Gotten a Brazilian Bikini Wax?: nope, I believe in trimming the hedges, but ya need SOME landscaping
Waxed your eyebrows?: nope
Waxed your legs?: yes, it was hellish
Cut yourself shaving?: all the freakin' time
Have you ever died?: I think I answered this already
Was this survey an good at all?: kind of. Time consuming.
What time is it right now?: 4:40. CRAP.
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