Running and working out. Shooting my gun (and thanks to a certain someone....I have a greater appreciation for all types of guns).I love to travel! I went to Hawaii during the summer of 2004, I went to Jamaica during the summer 2005. I have just recently gotten interested in photography! I love the Outer Banks of North Carolina, and I intend on owning property there someday!
There are several people who I have in mind. The first person that I would like to meet is President George W. Bush! I'd also like to meet Condoleeza Rice, Bill O'Reilly, Madonna, and Snoop Dogg :) More to come on this later!
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I like all types of music! I can't go to bed without listening to classical music! Music Video: TELL ME (FT. CHRISTINA AGUILERA) (by Diddy)
Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
I have just recently started taking time to watch movies thanks to a certain someone; however, my television rarely leaves the FOX News Channel!
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Just to give you an idea of what my bookcase looks like at home, here are some titles of books you can find there: -Law & Evidence -Criminal Law -Civil Liability -the 9/11 Commission Report -Macroeconomics -Kovels Antiques and Collectibles -Multiple Regression -Stress in Policing -Super Sex, 69 Ways to Pleasure Your Lover, etc (I have to have something to spice up my boring life)! -The World Encyclopedia of Wine *ONE OF MY FAVORITE BOOKS OF ALL TIME IS THE NOTEBOOK BY NICHOLAS SPARKS! I THINK THAT THERE IS SO MANY THINGS IN THIS BOOK THAT SO MANY OF US CAN RELATE TO. IF YOU HAVEN'T READ IT......PICK IT UP!
All of our servicemen and women who have died while fighting to protect our freedom!