I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking
About Me
hi guYs! iM sTaCiEe anD iM 15 yEaRs oLd. i LOVE t0 cHeErLeAd WiTh mYy tEaMmAtEs. i LOOVE t0 sHoP aT thE maLL. mYy fAvOriTe sToReS aRe hoLLiStEr aNd aBeRcRomBiE & FiTcH aNd aMeriCan eAgLe aNd cOaCh. i LoVe sUnGLaSsEs aNd tHe wHoLe bEaCh sCeNe LoOk. I aLsO LOVEEE cLuBbiN.