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Sterling Pierce Sanders

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

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Sterling P. Sanders
"Impossible is nothing."
Male, 24 years old
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Single , Straight, Capricorn (12-31-1982)
5' 10" / Athletic
Black / African descent
Drink: Yes

College graduate
University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign
News-Editorial Journalism
Minors: Mathematics, Political Science, Business Administration

Warren Township High School
Graduated: 2000 Intrests
Clothes and Fashion
Video Games
Web Design
Graphic Design
Comic Books

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Boiler Room
The Sandlot
Fight Club
Wall Street
Old Boy
Kill Bill 1 and 2
Reservoir Dogs
Currently own 950+ dvds, you judge

TV (no order):
Battlestar Gallatica
Greys Anatomy
Nip Tuck
Sex and the City
Attack of the Show

Anime Watched (no order):
One Piece
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Vampire Hunter D
8 Man After
Project Ako
Tenchi Muyo
Tenchi Muyo OVA
Tenchi Universe
Flame of Recca
Zone of Enders
Pilot Candidate
Excel Saga
Real Bout Highschool
Rurouni Kenshin
Rurouni Kenshin OVA
Record of Lodoss War
Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of the Heroic Knight
Voices of a Distant Star
Gate Keepers
Fushigi Yugi
Tsukikage Ran
Martian Successor Nadesico
Amazing Nurse Nanako
Oh My Goddess
Hunter X Hunter
Last Exile
Hikaru No Go
Now and Then, Hear and There
Wolfs Rain
Samurai Champloo
The Twelve Kingdoms
Shadow Skill
Hajime No Ippo
Kino's Journey
Onegai Teacher
Onegai Twins
Get Backers
I, My, Me: Strawberry Eggs
School Rumble
Full Metal Panic
Full Metal Panic fumuffo
Full Metal Panic The Second Raid
Full Metal Alchemist
Ghost in the Shell
Ghost in the Shell 2
Ghost in the Shell SAC
Ghost in the Shell GITS
Fruits Basket
Full Moon wo Sagashite
Gundam Seed
Gundam Seed Destiny
Gundam Wing
MS Gundam
Initial D
Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien
Prince of Tennis
Rah Xephon
Samurai 7
Samurai Champloo
Planet ES
Scrapped Princess
Tenjou Tenge
Witch Hunter Robin
Gunslinger Girl
Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children
Ah! My Goddess
Azumanga Daioh
Banner of the Stars
Crest of the Stars
Big O
Bubblegum Crisis tokyo 2040
Bubblegum Crisis
Castle in the Sky
Sprited Away
Howl's Moving Castle
Cat Soup
Grave of the Fireflies
Cowboy Bebop
Princess Mononoke
Kiki's Delivery Service
Van Helsing
Serial Experiments Lain
Vampire Hunter D
Outlaw Star
Ninja Scroll
Fist of the North Star
Macross Plus
Macross Zero
Macross 7
Ranma 1
Dragon Ball Z
Dragon Ball GT
My Neighbor Totoro
Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade
Love Hina
GTO: Great Teacher Onizuka
His + Her Circumstances
Haibane Renmai
I know I've seen more, just can't think of them

Favorite Books of the Moment:
Atlas Shrugged
The Republic of Plato
A Short History of Everything
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Six Weird Things/Habits About Myself -- Update 04-11-2006
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Category: Games

The first player of this game starts with the "6 weird/things/habits about yourself" and people who get tagged need to write a blog of their 6 weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end you need to choose the 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you are tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

1. I'm terrified of body defects, especially if I think I could have or get them. Acne, moles, skin discoloration, bodily deformation or diseases (I used to think I could have scoliosis when I was younger)

2. I have a secret desire for an uber flexible and agile body -- and though I'm fairly flexible, my current body isn't half of what I'd like. The day I can do the splits is the day my life might be content and complete.

3. I can never read one book at a time; I always have to have 3 or 4 books that I'm reading alternately in any given week. (Current: Sophies World, Getting Past No, Hey Whipple, Squeeze this, No Logo, Beyond the Brand)

4. I'm anal about the meaning of words so I always look them up, sometimes the same word multiple times throughout the day, just so I remember them (even simple ones and ones I already know -- most recent: diamond, irony, alliteration, minstrel, sever, willpower, disaffirmation). I do the same thing with facts.

5. I wish I could sing -- it's the one of the few natural talents I wasn't blessed with -- so I do it privately everyday just to remind myself how bad my singing voice actually is. But I will dance anywhere, bowling alleys, grocery stores, on the street, and especially when shopping -- you need to see clothes in movement be for you buy them -- or whenever my body feels like moving.

6. I'm bipolar about cleaning, on any given week my room can be a pigsty with food, dirty plates and glasses, empty juice cartons, piled clothes, scattered cds/dvds etc, or an immaculately sparkling room that's been dusted, win-dexed, vacuumed and reorganized.

I tag... Archie , Ruby , Tina , Joe , Katie , Chalanea.

Fucking Myspace games. ~S

Quote of the day: "To read without reflecting, is like eating without digesting."

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Update 04-11-2006
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Rolling out new changes and designs soon, keeps your eyes open. ;)~s

Quote of the day: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder? Wrong. Pretty, is in the eye of the beholder, beauty is in the soul. You cant see it, but you know it when you feel it."

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Update 03-09-2006
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Flash piece has been fixed and completely integrated for all browsers, usage should be fairly intuative. Enjoy my brilliance. ~s

Quote of the day: "I'm not a frog, and you're not a rabbit, so lets not jump ahead." -Four Rooms

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News 03-08-2006
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Comment box is now totally fixed... My bad... ~s

Quote of the day: "Of all the creatures on this planet none is more dangerous than a human being." -Robert A. Heinlein

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News 03-06-2006
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First things first: Yes, I know there are typos, I'm in no mood to fix them, do not tell me or message me about them. This design was supposed to be fun, it wasn't, I'm upset about that, so any comments about flaws will be taken with great vengeance, because I've likey seen them a million more times than you. And I'm tired, so leave good comments, or none at all, thank you for your time.

Now onto the good stuff. The site is finally launched, most of the design is finished, an now Im on to freelanced project that will actually make me money. To all those curious, the entire design is done with HTML and CSS. The week it took to finish this design in-between *real* work, had been some of the most annoying, though I now know Myspace better than I ever felt Id want to. Now I can truly say, I completely despise the Myspace code base.

In any case, enjoy for now, it was fun, but Im done, so on to other things. I would however, like to thank a new and fond friend, that has kept me company through the tough and hard times, but stood firm and unwavering (most of the time), Absolute Positioning.

Quote of the day: "The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil." -Hannah Arendt ;)~s

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