Flash Countdownokay.. I'm not out to "ADD" everyone constantly.. Just friends...The only reason I even did the profile is someone said I should in case I did email someone and asked them to respond so it didn't seem strange... which made sense. Ok. and it was a little fun doing it..(laughing) HAHAHAHAHHA.. Isn't life grand when you can just do what you want!! And I have to admit, I have read some things about people on profiles and found out some amazing things on this site.. some good, but not all..I feel sometimes I have given away to much of myself and it hasn't lead me to good things so I won't do it on a site like this. The wall is up, it takes alot to bring it down.. But I will say, most people don't really know me.. they see the part of me that I let them see..sorry, but thats all I will say about that. Here's to getting rid of some of the old and finding the new!I am a honest friend that would take a bullet for my loved ones and people who call me a friend...For all you fuckers that have hurt me, have doubt in me or questioned my friendship...FUCK YOU!!! You never deserved me in your life....hahahaha..so THERE!I BELIEVE...that nothing in life is certain, that there are always 2 sides to the same story...that the line, "Sorry I haven't called you back, I've been so busy" is b.s. (PUUHHLLEEZZE..It only takes 1 minute to say hi)..that we all need to look around us a bit more...that we all should judge less...that our true friends are supposed to build us up and not tear us down...I used to think that hating someone was bad, but not anymore..but disliking them would be more grown up yes, but when people are cruel and stupid sometimes they deserve nothing less..that you should travel and explore more of the real world (it's not only fun but can be the best education)...that everyone should have their heart broken at least once (it humanizes you but yes it can also can get really tiring when it happens over and over again, hence the wall)...that only time really does heal those wounds and that we are capable of loving again in the same capacity(well maybe.. I'm not sure about this one anymore)...that dating someone else right after a breakup isn't wise..that we should all make more eye contact, internet dating is not good because of just those last two reasons people..get a clue!!!!...that being so dependent on these big gas guzzling cars in L.A. sucks...that balance is the answer...that the quality of time spent with someone is better than the quantity...that someone farting or falling down is the funniest thing on earth...that it's ok to dish it out as long as you can take it...
I do also have to say I do have some amazing friends too and they care for me and love me and I love them back and would do anything for them as they would for me. So not all in the world is bad.. :) YAY!!