MiSs kAtHeRiNe cLeArY 2 u<3 profile picture

MiSs kAtHeRiNe cLeArY 2 u&lt;3

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

"Sweetheart you book smart and street-smart I knew you was my type from the very, very start.....I've just recently moved on up to a place known as "the way life should be" and so far that shits workin for me...I grew up in South Boston and still half love it and half hate it...I am forever grateful to my girlies, new and old, and am indebted to the many people who have lent me a helping hand along the way. i like to fancy myself half ghetto superstahh and half geek.......if u know me u absolutely know what i mean, if u dont yet, you'll soon see. I take great pride in myself and truly get the most happiness out of the little things in life. I can't live without my Tims, my hoops, and my hatsalways rockin them just a tip to the side. I live to shake my ass on the dancefloor, specially to the get down dirty shitt. Home to me is the sound of buses, sirens, and planes and the quiet is a bit unnerving to me. I love blizzards in the winter and thunderstorms in the summer. I hate wet sand on ur body at the beach, and I take my Christmas wreaths down in March. I love to procrastinate, but when I finally get to it, refuse to stop til its finished. i love to dance. I love driving in the summer with the windows down and the music bumping. I smile abnormally large when you have a camera and say cheeeessee. I basically refuse to eat my chocolate ice cream without M&M's. I write really random things that people say down, because thats how quotes are born. I would love to be a backup dancer. If I could go back in time I'd be in Ancient Rome or try to be a Scarlett O'Hara. My dream is to live in a big old house with a farmer's porch and spend the summer in a house ON the beach. Did I say I was BORN TO DANCE??? I'm filled with goals goals and more goals and now just have to find the time to get them all done. I have a long list of things I want to do in my life, and my worst fear is to wake up at 80, have someone ask me what i wish i did that i didnt, and actually have a few things to say. that=regret. Hopefully just a bit of my quirks give you some insight into who i am. 2 things I live by3 I am a firm believer in the fact that everything in life, no matter how small or insignificant you may deem it, happens for a reason.3 Life was made to DaNcE.

My Interests

Me and dad in St. Louis.........watchin our Red Sox win it!!!!! iYOUR KNOW YOUR FROM SOUTHIE WHEN... 1. You say “yous” instead of you guys 2. You feel an automatic reaction to stare down any person who looks at you 3. You drive with your windows down and your music turned up even if it’s snowing or raining 4. You feel like the yuppies are invading our territory 5. You have been accused of acting “black” or “ghetto” 6. Any place beyond Quincy is the ‘burbs’ 7. Anywhere beyond the ‘burbs’ is the ‘boonies’ 8. You hate when people say they’re from Boston when they’re not 9. You may hate Southie, but if someone talks badly about it you will fight them till the end 10. St. Patrick’s Day is your favorite holiday 11. You get scared when you see more trees than buildings 12. You’ve had people scared of you just because you’re from Southie 13. You call your living room a ‘parlor’ pronounced ‘pahla’ 14. You’re not scared to walk anywhere alone 15. You may be many nationalities, but the only one you rep is the IRISH 16. At some point in your life you hung on the corner 17. You also repped that corner as you and your friend’s territory 18. You drive up and down Broadway when you’re bored 19. You’ve had Rocky ask you to steal him some name-brand clothes 20. One of your first jobs was Red Shirts 21. You went to an Ollie Dance 22. The liquor store is the ‘packie’ 23. You know someone will always have your back 24. You say everything is a ‘hike’ You own at least one pair of shelltoes, if not more
