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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet Diane Lane. I think she is one of the Best Actresses around today. There is just something about her that engulfs you when you watch one of here movies and besides being so very beautiful and sexy.
Some other people I would like to meet would be Rachael Ray, Robin Williams and there are some others whom I cant think of right now .

The other person whom I already know is Elaine Tuttle. I met her several years ago at The Junkyard and then became the New Singer for Surgarbelly and ever since then we became real close friends and is my best friend to this day. She is an amazing singer and overall person. She has helped me with many things in my life.


My musical interests are so wide ranged that I would not be albe to list everything here. I am open minded to all types of music but I do draw the line with Rap even thou it is a culture thing and the artists are good. some of it appeals to me but overall I don't care for it..I have worked/helped several bands over my years in the local area and have also worked concert security for Metropolotin Entertainment at The Meadowlands and The Hammerstein Ballroom in NYC and Giants Stadium. Those years were the best I ever had.I currently help the band Infernophonic whom my best friend Elaine is the lead Check them out and be prepared to hear the best funkiest rock you have ever heard sung by a female.Some of the groups I love are RUSH, IRON MAIDEN , YES, 311, JUDAS PREIST, BOSTON, ANTHRAX, AC/DC, ABBA, BAY CITY ROLLERS, REGGAE, FUNK, OLD VAN HALEN, OLD MOTLEY CRUE, THE RAMONES, METALLICA, BEATALLICA, FRANK SINATRA, THE BEACH BOYS, NEIL DIAMOND , JOHNNY CASH, BOND ( ALL GIRL FUSION CLASSICAL ) JAZZ MUSIC, R&B, SOUL, SALSA, CYLPSO, TROPICAL, THE BEATLES, 50'S, 60'S, 70'S 80'S ( THE BEST ERA I BELIEVE ) AND 90'S AND SOME TODAY.


My all time favortie movie/movies is the Star Wars Saga all 6 of them. When it first came out it was way beyond it's time and technlogy for the day which has lead to all the advances and special effects today. If it was for George Lucas todays movies would not be possible.Some others I like are great horror , comedies , sci-fi, some drama movies and old 50's 60's and 70's .... also Abbott and Costello, Bob Hope and Bing Crosby movies, Animal House ( All Time Classic ) , All James Bond Flicks , Wizard Of Oz , March Of The Wooden Soldiers with Laural And Hardy, All Godzilla movies, Sci -Fi Movies of the 50', 60's and 70's. They are far by the best. Logan's Run - 70's, Earthquake, Towering Inferno, The Posidien Adventure - 70's , Close Encounters Of The Thrid Kind. More to list when I have time


Not much a fan of reading books. Mostly newspapers, magazines which there are soo many list. Well do read some books.. School books which I am attending the Teterboro School Of Aeronautics and there is much reading in that.


My Mother who has done so much for me and my sister keeping us together year ago with no father and helping me througout my life which has had more downs than ups which to this day there is nothing I could say or do to repay her for everything that she has helped me fix and also goes for my step-father.

My Blog

My Opinion on Radio ( JACK FM 101.1) Government , Music & Televsion

It sad to reprot that JACK has died and 101.1 will return SOLID GOLD OLDIES 101.1 FM as reported in todays paper as soon as today. It is another sad day in the Tri-State area for music. The loss of 1...
Posted by Brian on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 03:21:00 PST


Posted by Brian on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 11:17:00 PST