Robert profile picture



About Me

Customyzed usingMy name is Rob...and I'm bla bla bla, I once went bla bla bla, but my friends usually bla bla bla. I was bla bla bla back when I was bla bla bla, and regardless of what you heard, the bla bla bla doesn't really need to be in the bla bla bla. Now, go back and fill in the "bla bla bla's" with your own Mad Libs. Those of you who are my friends list know who the R-O-B is. PleeeeZe

My Interests

Music, Drawing, Movies, Computers, Athletics

I'd like to meet:

The guy on that one commercial..where a bunch of dudes are riding their mountain bikes on this trail, and this one guy is riding an imaginary one and he eats's hilarious!


Our Lady Peace is my favorite band. I listen to a lot of music, mostly alternative.


I own over 500+ movies, I have MANY favorites.


Right now, I've watching a lot of Real World "Inferno" and "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air re-runs, ...I don't have that much time to watch TV. However, I am looking forward to Big Brother 8 coming this summer!


I started a few books this last month, but due to work, I haven't been able to grab ahold of one. I will just put none at the moment.


The soldiers that serve this great country, local police, fire, and medical departments that help keep my beloved Arizona safe, and Rock Hard who creates real hip-hop for the new generation.

My Blog

New Pictures for 2007

Posted by Robert on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 09:55:00 PST