People with an Unhealthy fear of GOD...,.sluts,girls i can smack around usually young dumb bitches,druggy huggys,cunts and stupid strippers i can kick the shit out of and treat like the trash they are,people who will let me freeload,drug dealers,people who will open their home to i can steal from them,i might have aids,all the girls i have banged so i can tell them what they have...thats alot ..ladies give me a holla ,chuuch...anyone who i have ever burned,mainly my close friends..somehow i am still alive.people who havent worked for me after they fukt up their neck and then they take a bunch of pills and pass out 3 stories up on a ladder and drop a cigarette out of their mouth and burn my 3,000 dollar paint tarp.dont laugh,he still owes me money,.just like all my friends,your moms titties so i can smack them around.,girls that dont know they have bad breath,,,like really bad chronic bad breath,like your gums are rotting in your head kind of bad breath. I someday want to meet jesse gregoire of the future so he can tell me what the fuck i am doing wrong....I wanna meet fuckin whores...that will do my FUCKIN DISHES and my laundry and wipe my dirty fuckin ass...and maybe even have mediocre sex..for beer money