fun with Vito Fun. cabana boys in high heels. american thighs. chain smoking. blacking out. being a don't. heavy bass. adrenaline. trashy mustaches. trashy girls. shotgun weddings. beatbox. champagne and pancakes, naked. fagots in calvin klien underwear and tube socks. silicone. glitter. showing skin to get what I want. getting what i want. one night stands. unnessary hating. the stink of 3 am. trannies. public transportation while inebriated. neck tattoos. over indulging. giving into temptation, always. pay by hour motels. shirley temples. eating disorders. hipsters. bum fights. hermit crabs. latex. broken promises. giving bad directions. ugly twins. pee. facial scars. public urination. bubbles. hair-pulling. red lipstick on bottle blondes. street whore junkies. biased judging. rough times. blasphemy. tight black jeans and big sneakers. bad ideas. chaos. life.
the cheshire cat.
makes me get naked
best served with xanax
make my brain hurt
Chuck Norris.