<A//N//E>_&hearts; profile picture


I'm afraid of the _CoNSeQueNCeS_ of this new//feeling but at the same time I'm _Extremely*Happy_ cau

About Me

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My Interests

Name: *AsHLeY * NiCoLe
Birthdate: 11-24

Birthplace: Haines City, Fla.
Current Location: SaMe
Eye Color: BaBy BluE
Hair Color: LiTTLe BiT oF BoTH WoRLDS
Height: 5'4
Weight: 120lb.
Piercings: <5>
Tatoos: NoNe
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Overused Phraze: Shut up! or XOXO
Candy: MilKy WaY
Number: 8
Color: HoT PiNk
Animal: PuPpiEs
Drink: SwEeT TeA
Alcohol Drink: Southern Comfort & Rootbeer
Bagel: Raisin

Letter: A
Body Part on Opposite sex: EvErYtHiNg :P
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: NeiTHeR
McDonalds or BurgerKing: NeiTHeR
Strawberry or Watermelon: oHH...BoTH :]
Hot tea or Ice tea: Iced TeA
Chocolate or Vanilla Chocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: CoFfEe
Kiss or Hug: BoTh
Dog or Cat: Dogs...Hate CaTs!!
Rap or Punk: Some RaP...MoStlY CoUnTrY
Summer or Winter: BoTH--auTuMN
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: BoTh

Love or Money:

Bedtime: DePenDs...
Most Missed Memory: My Old House & Old FrIeNdS
Best phyiscal feature: EyEs
First Thought Waking Up: Same thing everyone else thinks...TOO EARLY!!
Goal for this year: #1 Get a House #2 Get a New Vehicle
Best Friends: Lauren & Rebecca
Weakness: You will never know :P
Fears: Loosing the ones I LoVe
Heritage: IrIsH, EngLiSh, and some SeMiNoLe InDiAn
Longest relationship: 2 1/2 Years
Ever Drank: Hahaha....
Ever Smoked: ?
Pot: ?
Ever been Drunk: Umm...Ya
Ever been beaten up: NoPe...don't ever give a reason to
Ever beaten someone up: NoT YeT :)
Ever Shoplifted:
Ever Skinny Dipped: Who hasn't??
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: Yup...dumb question
Been Dumped Lately: NoPe...just separeted
Favorite Eye Color: BlUe
Favorite Hair Color: Doesn't MaTTer
Short or Long: ShOrT
Height: Taller than me
Style: CoUnTrY...ManLy MaN
Looks or Personality: PerSonAliTy
Hot or Cute CuTe
Drugs and Alcohol: No DrUgs...
Muscular or Really Skinny: MuScuLar
Number of Regrets in the Past: A FeW
What country do you want to Visit: none...I'm happy were I'm @
How do you want to Die: PeAcEfUllY w//my LoVE
Been to the Mall Lately: Umm... no
Do you like Thunderstorms: LoVe ThEm
Get along with your Parents: UsUaLLy

Health Freak: HAhaha...Ya RiGhT!!
Do you think your Attractive: YeS
Believe in Yourself: All the TiMe!
Want to go to College: AlReAdY ThErE
Do you Smoke: NoPe
Do you Drink: On SpEcIaL OcCaTiOnS :P
Shower Daily: Yup
Been in Love: Oh YeA
Do you Sing: All the time

Want to get Married: SoMeDaY
Do you want Children: YeA...2 TwIn BoYs
Have your future kids names planned out: KiNDA...

Hate anyone: A SeLeCt FeW :)
I LoVe spending a day outdoors, especially living in
Florida! I live on a lake, so boatin is my main thing on
the weekends. Anything * outdoors is fun -- Fishin,
layin out, shopping, *Range Rovers*, being with my
bestest friends, ridin fourwheelers, and nethin on the
water are the [BEST] things ever created!!


I'll listen 2 almost anything...but my heart belongs 2 Country music!!


AnYthiNg scArY!!




Umm...Don't read unless I have to


Deffinately my parents, I Love them both very much!! They have always been there for me *no matter what*, and I know they will ALWAYS be there for me!! Without them I would amount to nothing.
Most Beautiful Princess in the Whole World :)