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Justin Gaston

About Me

Fan Site! Hope to gain more fans!
Honestly, when I get out there, I kind of get in the moment and I don't really get nervous. I'm so nervous before and then when I'm singing I'm just so relaxed. Obviously, afterwards I'm nervous, but people enjoy it. I just learned how much fun that I actually have singing in front of that many people and just things like that. And this really is for me and I love to do it.
Tune into Love Story by: Taylor Swift

Bio lol
Gaston was a finalist on Nashville Star. He's also a 20-year old underwear model who has been seen out and about with Miley Cyrus!The cutie left home at the age of 17 to pursue a career in music and he's supported himself by taking off his clothes for money.Justin Gaston is from Louisiana. He stands six feet tall and possesses a (hot!) 39-inch waist. Gason is a client of Premiere Model Management and reportedly does not drink or smoke.He does look smokin, however.

Songs I wrote:

My Interests


Member Since: 24/09/2008
Influences: John Mayer, James Taylor, The Beatles, Elvis, Marc Broussard, Matt Wertz, Dave Barnes, Brad Paisley, Keith Urban, Dierks Bentley, Jack Johnson
Sounds Like:

wow lol

I have always loved making a lot of noise, especially when I was a little kid. For example, when I was younger, anytime my mom would vacuum I would just literally yell the entire time to try and be louder than the vacuum cleaner (just one of the many stories). Anyway, as I grew older music seemed a perfect source for expressing myself. I started banging out rhythm patterns on anything I could get my hands on which led to playing the drums. One Christmas, my parents got me a set and enrolled me in lessons. My poor family! I would just beat and beat on those things. I know my brother and sister probably hated me. But anyway, my main passion growing up was always baseball. I pretty much ate, slept, breathed, and played baseball. But, when I got to high school something happened. I'm not exactly sure what, but I just started to hate everything about baseball (except getting to hang out with my brother and all my friends). My sophomore year I couldn't t ake it any longer, so I looked for something to calm me down each day after school and baseball practice. That just happened to be my dad’s old guitar. I picked it up one night, got a little chord book, learned the chords a,c,d,e,f,g(b was to hard for me to play at the time) and haven't put the thing down since. By th at point, I had completely quit baseball, so I had all the time in the world to just practice. My junior year I really got into writing poetry, which eventually led to my song writing. I started playing and singing for the youth group at church with two of my best friends Todd and Ben (who really helped me along the way with playing and singing.. thanks). That same year some friends at school were putting together a charity fashion show to benefit a local hospital and asked me to help. I told them I would be happy to, and I met a local talent agent there who eventually took me to an expo in Dallas my senior year. From that expo, I signed with a modeling agency in New York. Looking for any way to get out there and pursue my dreams of being an artist, at 17 and freshly graduated, I picked up and moved to The Big Apple. It was a huge culture shock and not my cup of tea, so I decided to give Los Angeles a try. I really liked it and lived there on and off for about 2 years. I was also fortunate during those two years to get to spend a few months in Europe. Recently while living in LA, I got a chance to try out for the show Nashville Star, and crazy enough I made it. So, I just picked up again and moved to Nashville. And here I am now loving every second pursuing my dreams!
Record Label: Unsigned

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