Siobhanie profile picture


spooooooon lol.

About Me

Profile Pimp MySpace Layouts Contact Tables MySpace Icons MySpace CommentsHey, um..i never know what to put in these things. I guess what you see is what you get? =). I love socialising, going out, partying, doing arty stuff (hence the degree in Graphic Design), etc. I have a fondness for playing music so loud the neighbours complain and can come out with some seriously stupid comments sometimes. Which i shall willingly admit to --- however, i've been told it's endearing, so i'm assuming i get away with it? ;). I love all my friends to pieces (the special people know who they are), they're all amazing..dunno what i'd do without them to pick me up whenever i fall down!

In a nutshell:
A bit mental
Funny haha
Funny weird
I like:
Nights in/out with the girls
Nights in/out with the girls AND boys
Rich tea biscuits
Warm towels
When it rains but you’re inside
My teddy Pippy
Dancing like an idiot and making up my own moves. Wooop!
Singing on the singstar lol
Going to gigs
Live music
Hot chocolate
Taking photos
Being with my family
The seaside
I really really don’t like (hate is a strong word):
Arrogance (people who think they are better than everyone else)
Dance music that is too fast
When it’s too cold
When we have no milk…grr When people don’t move to the side when you are walking down the street but expect you to!
Players (idiots)
Losing people I love
Feeling sick
When friends drop you one minute then pick you up the next
Having no phone signal
Siobhan’s top ten blonde moment list
1. Standing in the lift for five minutes before realising I hadn’t pushed the button to go down.
2. When the shop assistant asked me if I wanted cash back, I replied with – “well if you’re giving money away, then sure”
3. When I take stuff out of the microwave and go “owowowow its hot!”…without fail.
4. When people break through windows and im like its ok because my door is locked from the inside.
5. When I thought cognac was actually pronounced Cog- Nac.
6. When me and Emma stood staring through a glass door pointing at all the fit men in the pub before realising if we could see them, they could see us. And they could. And they also pointed it out to us after we walked into the room again.
7. Walking up the downstairs escalator after seeing Christmas decorations in august when I was working in Beatties!
8. When asked how old I was when I was underage and went to bars, I replied to the bouncer, “I don’t know”.
9. Putting hairspray under her arms instead of using the deoderant.
Btw.. i just thought i'd say. I know these all come across as a bit stupid and quite frankly, blonde.. and well, yes they are. But i also know i'm not stupid.. i just have moments where i lose all form of common sense and logic. Apparently im quite a clever girl lol (so i've been told). I just thought i'd put them up so people cud have a giggle :)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

anyone who dosn't mind that sometimes i can be a crazy, random,retard.. annnnd um... one of the several popes that emma thinks we have.

My Blog

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