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It's the roots that make the fruits.

About Me

Freelance subversive, applied physiologist, and member of no group that would have me.

My Interests

Sliding down wave faces and building the equipment to do so. Sitting on the porch when the sun is low with guitar in hand. Slow food.

I'd like to meet:

A day spent with Zorba in Greece would be interesting... Busking with Henry Thomas on the street corner in the 30's... Getting drunk with Noam Chomsky in a college bar... Longboarding a long point break with Phil Edwards sometime in the early 70's after the short board revolution was in swing... Walking in Yosemite with John Muir... Having an informal dinner in the backyard with Goethe, CG Jung, and Nietzche. Watching Fox News in the Bush household with Hugo Chavez, Fidel, and a drunken Barbara Bush...


Right now Keith Jarret's recording of Shostakovich's 24 Preludes is getting under my skin.. Also Daniel Lanois's Acadie, Rainer Ptacek, Nick Lowe, Tim Hardin, Mose Allison, the Neville Brothers... And some good raw delta blues music from RL Burnside, Junior Kimbrough, Bo Carter, and the little Buddha of the south, Mississippi John Hurt. But Richard Thompson's 'Beeswing' and Dylan's "Lay down your weary tune' are the songs of the moment.


Just watched two great movies about the human condition. The Italian, a movie about Russia strangely enough... And Gloomy Sunday. No man is impervious to the beauty of that leading woman in Gloomy Sunday.. My lord, praise the regional geography that mixed that couldron of female charms... She's worth a trip to Budapest alone.. Nice movie and soundtrack too...


Youtube baby... I will reassess the drawbacks of continued technological development, our compounding dependency upon it, and the feeling that it makes each of us a little dummer every day... If, and only if, they allow us to have YouTube straight to our BoobTube's with zero restrictions...


Right now it's Herman Hesse's The Glass Bead Game, but starting slowly. Tom Robbins short writings and Bukowski for toilet reading, and preparing myself to enter the world of Dostoevsky as far as I dare..


Preston "Pete" Peterson, George Greenough

My Blog

A Skin Too Few

The Shell by Molly Drake Living grows round us like a skin, to shut away the outer desolation For if we clearly mark the furthest deep, we should be dead long years before the grave But turning arou...
Posted by matt on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 11:56:00 PST

Mental Feng Shui

Say what you will about cheesy forwarded email messages, but there are some words listed here that maybe people need to remind themselves of occasionally...  Strangely enough, as I grow old...
Posted by matt on Tue, 28 Aug 2007 01:29:00 PST

Special Music

Anybody that knows me well will know that this is a special clip to me...  If not overtly, than hopefully intuitively.  A little background, this is Paul Ubana Jones, one of the corner...
Posted by matt on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 10:45:00 PST

Bob Dylan as a Coal Miner

Factotum is an old word meaning a general servant or a person having many diverse activities or responsibilities. It was made from the Latin command (imperative construction) fac totum ("do/make every...
Posted by matt on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 06:18:00 PST

"Money doesn't make the man, but how the man makes the money does."

Unemployed lamentation.  Sticking to ones guns is never easy when necessity is paramount. Ideals are luxury phenomena. Perhaps that's why we can't be set free until we share the wealth. Firs...
Posted by matt on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 12:47:00 PST

Luckiest Man in the world

And I thought I had it good... ...
Posted by matt on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 12:26:00 PST